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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

What Image Are You Projecting?

I want you to think about something for a few moments. Do you have any perception about what sort of image you are projecting?Im talking about the personal or professional image that you are presenting to the rest of the world.

Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

Strive for progress, not perfection. To succeed in online business, you must first learn from the experts, have self discipline and determination, take decisive action, and be consistent. To progress in your online business, you must learn something new every day and implement it into your online bu

What Medicine Knows About Manifesting

Realize what medicine has known since the early 20th century about the power that expectation and belief has on the body. Use these powerful concepts to manifest more of what you want in your life!

The Route to Happiness - Now Your Life is a Mess

If you are one of those badly affected by the recent economic debacle, or if you have for whatever reason, marital or otherwise, found yourself in a situation which you had not anticipated, it is easy to feel cheated, betrayed, let down. Or you may even feel so bad that the future does not seem to h

Let Self Hypnosis Stop Your Poor Eating Habits

Individuals have been fighting the battle of the bulge for a long time. In North America, today, obesity is a frightening reality. It is not the weight alone that raises fears. Being overweight carries with ...

Is Science Catching Up With The Bible?

"Mental rehearsal"... have you heard the term? According to neuroscientists, mental rehearsal is the repeated focus on a thought, a feeling, or a desire. The latest buzz among neuroscientists is that mental rehearsal can cause lasting changes to structures in your brain and body!

Just Breathing

To reach the point where we recognize other choices, it is important to be able to distance ourselves from the world and center on our own bodies and minds. Correct breathing is the key here. If you h

In Search of Enough

I once read an article that posed the powerful question, "How much is enough?" The authors researched the question and discovered that for most people there is no such thing as enough. The more people have, the more they want.

Using a Priority List to Plan Your Schedule

In this hurly-burly world, it can be so easy to get caught up in the minute details and miss the bigger picture. Too many times, we find ourselves focusing on things that we really don't care about and missing out on things that are important to us. How do we keep our eyes on what really matter

5 Steps To Change Any Habit

If you want to change any habit, change the actions that produce the habit. Within this article you will learn the most powerful 5 step system I have ever seen to change any habit plus 2 key bonuses that add rocket power to your efforts.

Does Attracting Take a Long Time or Does It Just Seem That Way?

So you have been attempting to attract what you wish for, dream of and desire. You have been doing that ever since you watched the Secret. You think you understand what The Law of Attraction is all about. But so far no results or very little results. So you find yourself wondering what am I doing wr

Memory Improving Techniques

Are you forgetting more than you think you should? Do you consider your memory poor? Hold on.

The Time-Age Conundrum!

Do you remember when you were a young teen or twenty-something and "old" people began at about the age of forty and continued up to about seventy? They all seemed to just belong in one single group of "old people."

Vision and Belief are like Cookies and (Chocolate) Milk

Take a break, have some cookies and milk, and read how both vision and belief are required for success and happiness in life. Maybe you would disagree, but to me, cookies and milk is a match made in heaven.They just go together.

3 Ways You May Be Unknowingly Rejecting Coaching Clients

As a coach it is imperative that you are attracting clients, and not rejecting them. When you are attracting clients it can reduce stress, help you to make a bigger difference, enhance your confidence, and increase your income. But if you are rejecting clients it can cause stress, stop your ideal cl

Can You Really Achieve Success by Having a Positive Attitude?

Adopting a positive attitude in your life can have very far-reaching effects.Each task that you undertake will be easier and more enjoyable if you approach it with a positive mind-set.Making your tasks more enjoyable, and therefore less like chores, helps you be more productive, too.

How On Earth Do I Romance the Divine?

I have been reading the book The Right to Write, by Julia Cameron.I was intrigued today by the language she used when she spoke of writing.She described writing as though the experience was an illicit lover for whom she sneaks away to share time.

Various Forms of Working Capital Loans

Working Capital Loan is a kind of short term loan which probably settles the day after day expenditures of a the particular company. This is actually a very special kind of funding in which the ...