Step Two - Knowing What You Do Want - Part II of the Five Steps to Getting What You Want Series

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Okay, this is the fun part! You've dealt with being honest with yourself and understanding exactly what you don't want.
Now it's time to really focus in on what it is that you do want.
Again, for some this is really easy.
For those that this is easy - they have already gotten clear on the specifics of what types of experiences they want to have.
For the rest, the job here is to allow yourself to be okay with wanting what YOU want.
As mentioned in the last step, many people have devoted their lives to helping others live their dreams.
Nothing wrong with that - however, you deserve to fulfill your dreams as well.
Many people also live their life by default, hoping for the best but not really expecting it to happen.
Many people live life as if they are being dealt a hand and that they have no say in what the outcome will be.
As Tony Robbins says, life will pay any price you ask of it.
So, getting clear about what you want is a crucial step.
From the emails I get and the people I deal with on a daily basis, the overlying theme is that people don't believe they deserve much better than the circumstances they are living in today.
The fact is that we all deserve to live the life that we truly want - ALL OF US! Some people feel guilty for wanting more - GET OVER IT! Give yourself permission to want what you want AND to start down the road to attracting it! I truly believe that if each of us was working towards the life we truly wanted to live with positive expectation and with the understanding that the universe is abundant - there would be a whole lot less aggression in the world.
It's likely that people would be nice to one another and work at helping each other more.
Pollyanna-ish? Maybe, but that's the world I would like to live in - how about you? Some of the criticism about The Secret was around its focus on materialism.
Recently, I was interviewed on a Vancouver radio talk show and that question was raised.
I have to tell you, it astonishes me when people want to criticize other people's desire to have more of what they want in their life - material or otherwise.
I have never run across one person, ever, that didn't want better circumstances for themselves and their family.
The Secret appeals to this desire - I don't see anything wrong with that - do you? Having worked with the poorest people in society for years, I know that people are more inclined to feel like they have something to offer and give others when they feel their own needs are being met.
That's where learning about the Law of Attraction comes in - give yourself the opportunity to look after your needs in order that you can pay it forward to others when the time is right.
Think big! Think bigger than you've ever thought before.
Dream the big dream - how exhilarating is that, if even for a moment or two, you allow yourself to imagine that it could happen? YOU, yes you, are worthy and deserving of all good things - start writing a list today.
Focus on that list - feel good about it! Heck, get really excited about it! It's that kind of energy that puts the Law of Attraction in motion.
You deserve to have what you want - make it happen!
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