Life Lessons About Locating Vending Machines From a Father
I knew a man that had identical twins.
These twins were identical and you could not determine one from the other except for their attitude and it was completely different.
One was so pessimistic that you couldn't stand to be around him without thinking everything was bad bad bad.
He could brighten up a whole room just by leaving it.
The other one was always looking for the good in everything and a real joy to be around.
The father wanted to see if this was a real or not so he bought 25 of the most popular toys and wanted to surprise his pessimistic son so he put them in his room while he was sleeping and with the other one he brought in a wheelbarrow full of horse manure and dumped it out on his floor while he was sleeping.
The next morning he woke up to the crying of his son (the pessimistic one) and he went in to see what was wrong.
His son told him that someone brought all these toys in and he didn't want them because 1.
His friends would be jealous.
If they got broke then he would get in trouble.
They took up too much space in his room and he would get in trouble for not keeping it clean.
In utter amazement the father went into the other sons room and he was digging through the manure and having a great time.
The father asked "son what are you doing?" his son said "Dad with all this manure there must be a pony around here somewhere".
The son never found the pony but their story has a great point.
With regards to your vending business, and really and outer business opportunity that you come across, if you are out locating and getting into the community you are going to find the opportunities that are all over the place, if you are looking for them with the right attitude.
If you seek the advice and follow the locating instructions of someone who has done it on a regular basis than that can get you a road map on and a systematized locating procedure than you can accomplish more in a short time than you could have ever dreamed.
Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.
Henry Ford But if you have no plan and the first time that you get turned down when looking for a place to put your machines and get to thinking some of the things that go through your head like: No one wants my machines, they already have machines here, they don't want to talk to me or what am I doing here, I can't do this locating thing anyway then you are doomed and you will become your worst enemy.
With the right tools, the right plan or road map and the right attitude, there is nothing that you cannot do.
If you can see it clearly enough then you can have whatever it is that you want.
These twins were identical and you could not determine one from the other except for their attitude and it was completely different.
One was so pessimistic that you couldn't stand to be around him without thinking everything was bad bad bad.
He could brighten up a whole room just by leaving it.
The other one was always looking for the good in everything and a real joy to be around.
The father wanted to see if this was a real or not so he bought 25 of the most popular toys and wanted to surprise his pessimistic son so he put them in his room while he was sleeping and with the other one he brought in a wheelbarrow full of horse manure and dumped it out on his floor while he was sleeping.
The next morning he woke up to the crying of his son (the pessimistic one) and he went in to see what was wrong.
His son told him that someone brought all these toys in and he didn't want them because 1.
His friends would be jealous.
If they got broke then he would get in trouble.
They took up too much space in his room and he would get in trouble for not keeping it clean.
In utter amazement the father went into the other sons room and he was digging through the manure and having a great time.
The father asked "son what are you doing?" his son said "Dad with all this manure there must be a pony around here somewhere".
The son never found the pony but their story has a great point.
With regards to your vending business, and really and outer business opportunity that you come across, if you are out locating and getting into the community you are going to find the opportunities that are all over the place, if you are looking for them with the right attitude.
If you seek the advice and follow the locating instructions of someone who has done it on a regular basis than that can get you a road map on and a systematized locating procedure than you can accomplish more in a short time than you could have ever dreamed.
Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.
Henry Ford But if you have no plan and the first time that you get turned down when looking for a place to put your machines and get to thinking some of the things that go through your head like: No one wants my machines, they already have machines here, they don't want to talk to me or what am I doing here, I can't do this locating thing anyway then you are doomed and you will become your worst enemy.
With the right tools, the right plan or road map and the right attitude, there is nothing that you cannot do.
If you can see it clearly enough then you can have whatever it is that you want.