How On Earth Do I Romance the Divine?

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I have been reading the book The Right to Write, by Julia Cameron.
I was intrigued today by the language she used when she spoke of writing.
She described writing as though the experience was an illicit lover for whom she sneaks away to share time.
Her relationship between her self and her writing appeared to be primal.
Regardless of her life situations, there is a constant -- she always has herself and her writing.
She spoke of the experience as though it were a deep well of passion that couldn't help itself from surging.
What caught me, was her discussion on discipline.
She said if she "had to" or "should" write a certain way or a certain amount daily, then she wouldn't be a writer.
To her, the idea of "having to" of "should" create a different framework for her writing than one of a loving commitment.
She writes of approaching her writing without the energy of discipline.
This idea peaked my interest.
It peaked my interest as I started out with my daily practice of prayer, reading, and meditation as a discipline.
Disciple, after all, is the root word of discipline.
I had a daily spiritual practice and regardless of my mood or any condition that existed, you could find me, first thing in the morning, on a pillow meditating.
No deviation.
This is what I did.
I forced myself to be quiet and to listen.
This discipline served me quite well for a long time.
Then something happened.
Like Julia's comment on writing, I showed up to listen and to tend from a softer place.
I was no longer forcing myself.
I was choosing and I was relishing the idea of feeding my inner Spirit with love.
My time on the pillow became my time with my lover.
I was cultivating a deep relationship with the Divine.
A courtship was unfolding.
I noticed subtle changes.
I didn't keep my practice daily.
I let a day here and there go by where I engaged in other activity prior to tending to my Self.
I noticed my inside felt different -- a little hungry, a little yearning.
I realized that I was being lured by my own being into communion.
I also noticed that I began making my space beautiful.
Where an austere candle was sufficient before, I now like something alive in my presence -- fresh cut flowers, garden rocks.
I am called to be outside a lot.
My time of Divine Romance is embedded in beauty.
My personality was falling in love with the Infinite -- not as an arranged marriage, but as a bridge of choice.
In the Christian's Bible, Song of Solomon, there sensuously written poetry to signify the relationship of Love with the Beloved.
God and creation.
Chapter 7, versus 10 through 12 read as follows "I am my beloved's and his desire is for me.
Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the fields and lodge in the villages; let us go out early to the vineyards, and see whether the vines have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened and the pomegranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love.
" Hinduism attributes the Divine Love with the Mother; the feminine aspects of God.
One of my favorite books is written by Paramahansa Yogananda entitled The Divine Romance.
He says on page 107, "in Indian, hundreds of young men are crazy for God, as hundreds herere crazy for money and power.
"He goes on to say one courts God through meditation and awake intention.
How does one prepare to romance the Divine?I am not sure there is a right way to romance God.
It would be quite pompous of me to pretend I did know.
However, there are some clues to assist us along the path.
Julia following her inner heart urges to write; and my relationship with meditation are clues -- when does the heart/soul feel full?I remember that we are, after all, made in Its image and likeness.
This means to me we are ALL from this Source.
We tend to our soul and give it away!I also enjoy contemplating esoteric and mystical writings when the Source and the sourced have merged into a Oneness explained through verse.
And, joy.
Joy is a bi-product of Love.
When I recognize it, I smile and give thanks.
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