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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Steps to Follow When You Are Making an Important Decision

When confronted with a major decision it is always best to give yourself some time to think it over before committing to anything. Because getting married involves one of the biggest lifestyle changes of all, several suggestions follow that can aid a person in making that choice of whether or not to

Having Trouble Managing Time? Read These Helpful Tips

Do you frequently find yourself feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like you don't have enough time in one day? Does it seem as if you are always falling farther and farther behind? If so, you may need to learn some time management skills.

Fear - An Opponent of the Believer's Faith

Fear wants you to focus on the world and not Him. We serve an omniscient God who is able to see the past, present and future simultaneously. This is an attribute that mankind or the world will never possess; so, we need to trust God. He is the only one who controls, knows, and understands all aspect

Now You Can Laugh Your Stress Away

Stress is the silent killer. It's a symptom for the top 6 leading causes of death. What if there was a fun and simple way to reduce stress and improve the quality of your life? Would you be interested? Laughter is the easy solution to a very real problem in our current society.

House Blessings - Bless Yours NOW!

In this brief article, Pastor Michael gives some instruction regarding the blessing of one's own home. Don't wait for a ARE one! DO IT NOW!

Closet Organization Techniques - Don't Skip the Final Touches

Complete closet organization can be a challenging endeavor, but one that is ultimately accompanied by a monumental sense of accomplishment. Once you have reassessed your wardrobe, parted ways with its nonfunctional components and established a less chaotic space for your treasured belongings, you ca

3 Keys to Living From Your Heart

Have you settled for less in your life, instead of living the life of your dreams? Have you been convinced by the doubts and fears of your mind that "its not the right time.", "you don't have everything you need.", "you don't know how to get what you want?" If

Visualization Tips That Really Work

It can feel very frustrating when you hear of so many success stories of people who achieve their dreams using visualization. Why? Because in theory it sounds so simple, but you can run into so many obstacles when you try to make it happen. Below you will discover two easy but powerful ways to elimi

Letting Go: Why Is It Hard To Let Go?

When the term letting go is mentioned, it would be normal to think about physically letting go of something. Just like how one might open their hands and drop something. However, the letting go that I am about to describe here, has more to do with psychologically letting go.

Tips About Removing Cosmetics After Playing Cosplay

As is known to all, before playing with Cosplay, you have to makeup at first and then after playing, you have to remove cosmetics on your face. In the following article, I will introduce some ...

Delete Self Sabotage

One of the things that stop you achieving your goals is self sabotage. It shows up in many different ways. Do you find yourself doing the exact opposite of what you know you need to be doing or doing nothing at all. Here you will finds ways of deleting self sabotage forever.

4 Proven Natural Anxiety Home Remedies That Really Work

It is normal for a person to feel anxious from time to time for a varied number of reasons. However, if you feel anxious for no good reason and for an extended period of time, you may be suffering from anxiety disorder. If left untreated, anxiety can affect your life to the extreme. In this respect,

The Key to Being Positive

As you progress through your daily routines you are surrounded by many different types of people. Some people will try and hold you back or prevent you from getting the life you have chosen, trying to influence you to do what they want. However, for many of the go-getters in life, being positive is

True Leaders Enjoy The HEAT

Great leadership rarely comes without some resistance or personal attacks from others. The great leader must be prepared, ready and willing to overcome these and other obstacles, and muster up the necessary inner strength and fortitude, in order to be able to focus on his dreams, goals, plans, and v

10 Steps to Change Your Life and Stop Anxiety

Life can become mundane very fast and very easily with routine setting in. Our characters, attitudes and emotions can become ignored because of this and we end up leading lives that are unconscious, accepted as ...

Preparation For Relaxation and Happiness

In this day and age more and more people spend a good proportion of their day feeling that they are "close to the edge" or near to "the end of their tether". Life in the modern day world seems to happen at a frenetic pace and although this may suit some personalities it does not

Building New Habits and Having Fun Part 2

Reading time: approximately 5 minutes. Building new habits and having fun? Yeah...right... Well I've tried it both ways and having fun does actually help with this sort of thing. It's also one of the strongest motivators in your life...

Better Organised - Time Management Tips

Sometimes all it takes to improve your use of time is to become a little bit more organised. Planning, prioritising and then programming are all effective tools.