Delete Self Sabotage
Self sabotage shows up under many guises.
It can be destructive, unproductive and down heartening to be in the midst of behaviours and patterns that are moving you away from your goals.
I know how it feels as I've been there many times.
Sabotaging behaviours come from deep rooted patterns you have developed over a period of time.
You can be fully aware of what you need to do yet suddenly you find yourself doing something completely different.
The behaviour is part of your patterning which is coming from your unconscious mind.
Your unconscious mind is offering a behaviour as a protection from a perceived outcome.
Signs of sabotage Zoning out in front of tv Eating in response to an emotion Doing exactly the opposite of what you know needs to be done Spending way too much time on social media sites Hearing yourself using the same old reasons and excuses for not doing something Finding yourself doing that same thing again and again Tips for deleting self sabotage Get really clear on what you need to do and for what purpose..
what will the outcome be Recognise what emotions come up for you Check if you are experiencing fear, if so ask yourself 'What am I afraid of?' Do you run a movie in your mind? Have you created a visual of your undesired outcome? If so, change that movie to your desired outcome.
Are you hearing the story you're telling yourself, if so, try changing the voice.
Is it a feeling? If it is then again, switch into feeling how you will feel when you have completed the task, this helps you change your state quickly.
Stay away from comparing yourself to others, stay authentic to you and your purpose and outcome.
Self sabotage can make or break a project, task or outcome.
It is a perceived idea playing out in your neurology to keep you in your comfort zone.
Every time you move out of your comfort zone just a little bit possibilities become greater, outcomes are achieved and lessons are learned.
Everyone experiences behaviours that don't support them at times.
The secret is to recognise those behaviours, ask what the behaviour is protecting them from and shift gears just long enough to get you through whatever you need to be doing.
The more you can do this the more resilient you will become and those unwanted perceived outcomes will become a distant memory.
It can be destructive, unproductive and down heartening to be in the midst of behaviours and patterns that are moving you away from your goals.
I know how it feels as I've been there many times.
Sabotaging behaviours come from deep rooted patterns you have developed over a period of time.
You can be fully aware of what you need to do yet suddenly you find yourself doing something completely different.
The behaviour is part of your patterning which is coming from your unconscious mind.
Your unconscious mind is offering a behaviour as a protection from a perceived outcome.
Signs of sabotage Zoning out in front of tv Eating in response to an emotion Doing exactly the opposite of what you know needs to be done Spending way too much time on social media sites Hearing yourself using the same old reasons and excuses for not doing something Finding yourself doing that same thing again and again Tips for deleting self sabotage Get really clear on what you need to do and for what purpose..
what will the outcome be Recognise what emotions come up for you Check if you are experiencing fear, if so ask yourself 'What am I afraid of?' Do you run a movie in your mind? Have you created a visual of your undesired outcome? If so, change that movie to your desired outcome.
Are you hearing the story you're telling yourself, if so, try changing the voice.
Is it a feeling? If it is then again, switch into feeling how you will feel when you have completed the task, this helps you change your state quickly.
Stay away from comparing yourself to others, stay authentic to you and your purpose and outcome.
Self sabotage can make or break a project, task or outcome.
It is a perceived idea playing out in your neurology to keep you in your comfort zone.
Every time you move out of your comfort zone just a little bit possibilities become greater, outcomes are achieved and lessons are learned.
Everyone experiences behaviours that don't support them at times.
The secret is to recognise those behaviours, ask what the behaviour is protecting them from and shift gears just long enough to get you through whatever you need to be doing.
The more you can do this the more resilient you will become and those unwanted perceived outcomes will become a distant memory.