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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Motivation: 4 Reminders to Help You Sustain It

It is important to train our minds to align with our goals and dreams. Our actions are guided by the things we say, and the things we say become what our minds believe. So in order to change our choice of actions, we have to shift our mind's perspective. To do this, we have to teach our minds h

Choosing To Create A Quiet Mind

Do you find that your mind is constantly wandering? Perhaps there are many things on your mind and it seems hard for you to focus? I find that the more I set out to accomplish in my life, the more I do, the more my mind tries to keep tabs on it all. I have found certain tools help me to create a qui

Learning How to Set Goals

Learning how to set goals is important if you want to set achievable goals that you can reach in a realistic time line. We all desire to have more in our lives more money, more time with the family, better relationships, better health etc. However most people do not understand the importance of lear

Ghetto Fabulous

Procrastination and perfectionism often go hand in hand. Do you put things off because they're never good enough? If you spend all your time trying to make things perfect, it's no surprise they NEVER get done. It's said that successful people fail more than unsuccessful people. Why do

Anger Management: The Difference Between Anger And Aggression

Most people would define the goal of anger management as ridding oneself of anger. However, anger is an emotion that can't be rid of. The goal of anger management is actually to rid oneself of aggressive behavior and to use anger as a warning signal.

Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking

Have you ever heard the saying, "what you put into it is what you will get out of it". In a sense, this applies to the law of attraction. If you use the power of words, those words of your thoughts, you can create change in you and attract positiveness into your life.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation means energy is always moving.That energy, which is always moving, eventually moves into physical form...

How you can Create Your Own Personal Development Plan

Within personal development, preparing is essential, in fact, without a properly believed plan your pursuit with regard to personal-enhancement would truly blur as well as your probabilities at being

The Power Of Your Words Produce Life Or Death

Your words empower you or they disempower you. Your words heal you or they cut you. Your words build you up or they tear you down. Your words encourage you or they discourage you. Your words bless you or they curse you. Ultimately, your words produce life or death! It's that simple. So, what ha

Begin Your Path As a Mystic

By "mystic," I mean a person who is at one with God, who is on a spiritual path that way. An act of will puts you there. You may not know you are on the path, because the act of will does not have to be what other people see or even what you label yourself as.

What's Your Love Number?

To be a light to yourself and others, vibrate at the energy frequency of love. On a frequency scale to 1000, love is 500.

How much attention do you need?

Hello, I'm writing today about something that happened very recently in the news, and I just couldn't ignore it. It's one of those things that you just have to pay attention to, because you think ...

Visitation Dreams - Dream Visits From Departed Loved Ones

We have no scientific evidence of an afterlife. Yet, many people have had what I call a "Visitation Dream," a unique type of dream in which a deceased person comes to visit. For those who have had this kind of experience, it is unmistakable proof that the soul lives on after death. For an

Rune Sorcery - Part 5 - Protection

Now that you have started your Rune Work and picked out your favorite chair or special room, or place to do your rune work in, it is time to protect it. Protection from what? You ask. We live in an energy world. Your room where you are now sitting is being bombarded with hundreds, perhaps thousands

What We Make Of Ourselves

We are all strangers in a strange land, and we must all get to know ourselves before we can achieve for ourselves. Fear and faith without knowledge are empty island postcard pictures in the setting sun that are worthless in the night of not knowing what is going on.

Personal Life Coaching - Transcending the Polarity of Life

The more unconscious you are, the more you tend to identify with form. You will be emotionally entangled within your own situations, problems, experiences, and thoughts. If you are an opinionated person, and someone threatens that belief system, your entire sense of physical survival will depend on