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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Want to Be Happy Right Now? Follow These 3 Tips

If you're like most people, being truly happy is something you think you'll do "later". Unfortunately, though, "later" never seems to roll around. If you're waiting for "later" - and wishing you could just be happy right now - you can be. All you have to

The Power of Believing in Yourself

Belief is a mechanism, which is inbuilt in our body. We are born with it and lead our lives, whether it is successful or not, based on our beliefs. The power of belief makes what you are. Learning to believe in yourself will provide a happier and healthy life.

How'd They Do That?

"How'd they do that?" I asked myself time and time again in my youth. As a journalist and documentary filmmaker, I witnessed ordinary people performing extraordinary feats on countless occasions. I d...

Allowing and Integrating the Light of 2013

Do you get the sense that the things you would like to move forward with seem to be dragging, while the things you don't necessarily want to deal with take a lot of your time and are slowing you down? Last year around this time, it was clear that something had shifted right from the start and w

I Need Help.. My Ex-boyfriend Wants Me Back..

For most people, breakups are the worst of all nightmares. You normally you can not catch some Z's, eat, rest and relax because every time you think about something, it triggers memories of your past

The Art of Original Thinking

One of the objectives of coaching is to support coachee to develop thinking capability thru self awareness and self realization. Most of the time our actions are influenced by emotional triggers with

The Right Way to Choose Online Self Hypnosis

There are parts of your life that you simply need to change and you already know that self hypnosis is without doubt one of the fastest and best methods to alter your life. Nonetheless you ...

Mayday - Do Your Goals Need Help?

As May 1st rolls around, May Day is an ancient celebration. That's all well and good, but is it more that case that your goals need a distress call..?

Why Do I Procrastinate?

It is amazing that one of the most powerful forces working against us is our own self. Procrastination is act of putting off a task or activity to a later time, when it makes more sense to do it now.

Seven Inclusion Acts of Engagement

When I consult with clients, there is one challenge/opportunity I am asked about more than any other. "How can our leaders demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion?

Overcoming Resistance - Doing What You Can't Seem To Get Done

A good way to tell that it is resistance is by noticing how you react to it. If shortly after thinking of the activity, you are surfing the internet, checking email, throwing yourself into a neutral project, it is probably a good sign.

Goal Setting Made Easy

"If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things-you don't have enough goals.-Lou Holtz" When you set a goal for yourself your subconscious mind will work day and night to reach it. In the book "Think and Grow Rich" Napol