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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Law of Attraction - How to Become a Money Magnet Now

You are frequently blocking your ability to attract more of what you want.However without an awareness of what you are doing you continue to attract the same results which amounts to nothing much.

When Others or You Drink Too Much

Do you even wonder what to do or say when others are drinking too much? It is a gift to them to share in a loving way the suggestions listed below. If you express these ...

The Secret of Success: Learn to Manage The Gap

In order to succeed, at anything in life, we must learn to overcome our internal barriers to its achievement. This article highlights a key gap, that must be overcome, if you are to effectively create your desired future.

7 Self Help Books Just For Men

There are plenty of good self-help books out there for all ages and genders. But, I wanted to focus on the under-represented group of men and self-help for men. There are actually some very good beneficial, even life changing books out there for men out there that people are just not aware of.

Leadership Traits of Women in the Winners Circle

For centuries women have been striving to be recognized. We have had to strategize and fight for every achievement and honor we have received. God created women EQUAL to men. He created us to walk beside them; not behind them. In the business world today, for many years men have predominantly held l

Come and See

The statement of "come and see" is the primary means we have to prove things to others. We have them look at the circumstances and observe what we are telling them so they will know ...

A Recovery Plan Intend to Forget About Your Ex

A Recovery Plan Intend to Forget About Your Ex 1. Clean that man out of your house. The first thing Used to do after sitting shell-shocked during my apartment was to vacuum and mud. Mostly ...

3 Powerful Tips for Using Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be a great tool to help you feel better and stress less. Here are three easy things you can do with hypnosis to get you started.

Hypnotize Yourself Into The Ghost of Christmas Future

Ever wondered what it would be like to be taken into your future to see different possibilities of your life? Well today you can learn how to do that for yourself, as if the Ghost of Christmas future was taking you there himself.

The Definition of Authenticity

How do you define authenticity? Is it something you value? Is there a 'payoff' to being authentic?

Ways of Motivating Your Employees

One thing that you have to understand is that personal motivation is internal. Motivation is the willingness of someone or employees working as a team to expand their energy in order to achieve a goal. ...

Cartridge Ink Printer

Although the mechanism to develop the picture is primarily the exact same, there are unique kinds of printers that have capabilities suited for unique printing wants.If you are wanting for a printer that will supply ...

Is a Fear of Failure Stopping Your Success?

72% of the women who took my Women & Confidence Survey last spring chose failure as a fear for them followed by other peoples expectations (33%) and change (24%).The funny thing about a fear of failure is that it wouldnt exist without our enabling it.Failure is the trompe loeil image in the oil pain

How to Change Your Mental Attitude With Hypnosis

No matter what you want to achieve, you will only achieve it if you have the right mental attitude. I have lost count of the quotes from famous people which highlight this point in elegant simplicity. This one by Thomas Jefferson springs to mind: "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental