3 Powerful Tips for Using Hypnosis
Although hypnosis is one of the easiest, most natural and effective ways to make a significant and lasting change in your life, it's also one of the most misunderstood.
Have you ever been driving somewhere in your car and started thinking about something so deeply that the next thing you know you're at your destination? And you don't remember any of the details of the trip? That state of deep thought is commonly referred to as a hypnotic trance.
That's you thinking without using the critical, or analytical, part of your mind.
It's the real you.
It's the part of you that does the heavy lifting and does most of the real work.
It's also referred to as the subconscious or the unconscious.
It's sees the world as a whole.
It's what gives you that instant, complete, deep and intuitive understanding of yourself and events in your life.
But it's often hidden by the critical part of the mind, which means you don't get much direct access to that deeper part of you.
Hypnosis opens the door.
With a little direction, that part of your mind can do amazing things.
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows In order to get in touch with the deeper part of the mind you need to bypass the critical "gatekeeper" that stands in the way.
So the first power tip in using hypnosis is to absorb your attention.
You can do this very easily by thinking of a pleasant event.
Be very specific in your representation of the event.
What were the sights, and sounds that inspired your excitement? Use all your senses: taste, touch, sight, sound and smell.
Notice how your entire attention is absorbed by the memory of the experience.
Without trying, you'll automatically feel relaxed and refreshed - and energized.
That's because where attention goes, energy flows.
This technique sidelines the critical factor of your mind effortlessly.
That's why it's important to direct your attention toward positive events.
And that means you'll have less time to wallow in the negative.
Intention Keeps You on Course Now you can create pleasant imagery and "trance out" on positive experiences.
But tomorrow you go to the office and someone starts telling you the about latest headlines and horror stories in graphic detail.
Now you're still trancing out - but who wants those trances? The way to stay on track is by developing your intent by choosing your trances instead of just letting them happen.
In the beginning it may take more effort.
But each time you ask yourself what you want and let yourself drop into hypnosis while focusing on something positive that you desire, the easier and more automatic it will become.
It won't take long before you get hooked on the power of positive hypnotic trances.
Clear your mind of all the distracting junk and allow yourself to relax and focus on a sense of yourself being healthy and happy.
Feel the rush of playing out in your mind being treated with respect and admiration by people.
See yourself winning, achieving and growing more and more each day.
Learn to challenge yourself with a clear intent to achieve a positive outcome.
Develop the habit of creating trance states where good things happen.
If you make a habit of trancing out with these positive images and projections of yourself and feel yourself already enjoying the benefits of having what you're striving for, you'll recognize when someone comes and tries to dump negative, garbage thoughts in your mind.
Now you have the power of choice, and it will be easy to simply turn away from the negative and return to your regularly scheduled positive programming.
Get in the habit of empowering your positive intention.
Let it grow strong.
With practice, you'll learn to stay on course, even in the face of that popular guy or girl with the super strong personality that wants to pull you down and off track.
Start Building a Brighter Future Now In addition to reliving a past event by focusing on it, you can take hypnosis to the next level.
Instead of using a past event, you can imagine and represent things in your life the way you want them to be in the future.
The power in this technique is that since you're imagining it now, you're feeling it now, which means you're already benefiting from the way it will be...
Take time every day to sit and think of where you want to go, want you want to become and what you want to accomplish.
Then, allow yourself to be there now.
Embrace how it feels to already be there doing those cool things.
Make it feel real.
As if it were a dream that you didn't have those things.
You've just woken up and are returning to the REALITY of being the person who enjoys having all those benefits.
You'll be amazed at the things you accomplish today and the shift in your mindset after a few minutes.
Hypnotize yourself to have and a bright and promising future and you'll begin to enjoy it immediately.
As you now realize, we've all been in trance.
We go in and out of trance all day long without being aware of it.
In a poll on this site, 69% of 155 people polled believed they had never been in a trance.
To those of you who weren't aware of your trances, you're in for a fun ride to a positive life.
Start today with some of my suggestions.
Have you ever been driving somewhere in your car and started thinking about something so deeply that the next thing you know you're at your destination? And you don't remember any of the details of the trip? That state of deep thought is commonly referred to as a hypnotic trance.
That's you thinking without using the critical, or analytical, part of your mind.
It's the real you.
It's the part of you that does the heavy lifting and does most of the real work.
It's also referred to as the subconscious or the unconscious.
It's sees the world as a whole.
It's what gives you that instant, complete, deep and intuitive understanding of yourself and events in your life.
But it's often hidden by the critical part of the mind, which means you don't get much direct access to that deeper part of you.
Hypnosis opens the door.
With a little direction, that part of your mind can do amazing things.
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows In order to get in touch with the deeper part of the mind you need to bypass the critical "gatekeeper" that stands in the way.
So the first power tip in using hypnosis is to absorb your attention.
You can do this very easily by thinking of a pleasant event.
Be very specific in your representation of the event.
What were the sights, and sounds that inspired your excitement? Use all your senses: taste, touch, sight, sound and smell.
Notice how your entire attention is absorbed by the memory of the experience.
Without trying, you'll automatically feel relaxed and refreshed - and energized.
That's because where attention goes, energy flows.
This technique sidelines the critical factor of your mind effortlessly.
That's why it's important to direct your attention toward positive events.
And that means you'll have less time to wallow in the negative.
Intention Keeps You on Course Now you can create pleasant imagery and "trance out" on positive experiences.
But tomorrow you go to the office and someone starts telling you the about latest headlines and horror stories in graphic detail.
Now you're still trancing out - but who wants those trances? The way to stay on track is by developing your intent by choosing your trances instead of just letting them happen.
In the beginning it may take more effort.
But each time you ask yourself what you want and let yourself drop into hypnosis while focusing on something positive that you desire, the easier and more automatic it will become.
It won't take long before you get hooked on the power of positive hypnotic trances.
Clear your mind of all the distracting junk and allow yourself to relax and focus on a sense of yourself being healthy and happy.
Feel the rush of playing out in your mind being treated with respect and admiration by people.
See yourself winning, achieving and growing more and more each day.
Learn to challenge yourself with a clear intent to achieve a positive outcome.
Develop the habit of creating trance states where good things happen.
If you make a habit of trancing out with these positive images and projections of yourself and feel yourself already enjoying the benefits of having what you're striving for, you'll recognize when someone comes and tries to dump negative, garbage thoughts in your mind.
Now you have the power of choice, and it will be easy to simply turn away from the negative and return to your regularly scheduled positive programming.
Get in the habit of empowering your positive intention.
Let it grow strong.
With practice, you'll learn to stay on course, even in the face of that popular guy or girl with the super strong personality that wants to pull you down and off track.
Start Building a Brighter Future Now In addition to reliving a past event by focusing on it, you can take hypnosis to the next level.
Instead of using a past event, you can imagine and represent things in your life the way you want them to be in the future.
The power in this technique is that since you're imagining it now, you're feeling it now, which means you're already benefiting from the way it will be...
Take time every day to sit and think of where you want to go, want you want to become and what you want to accomplish.
Then, allow yourself to be there now.
Embrace how it feels to already be there doing those cool things.
Make it feel real.
As if it were a dream that you didn't have those things.
You've just woken up and are returning to the REALITY of being the person who enjoys having all those benefits.
You'll be amazed at the things you accomplish today and the shift in your mindset after a few minutes.
Hypnotize yourself to have and a bright and promising future and you'll begin to enjoy it immediately.
As you now realize, we've all been in trance.
We go in and out of trance all day long without being aware of it.
In a poll on this site, 69% of 155 people polled believed they had never been in a trance.
To those of you who weren't aware of your trances, you're in for a fun ride to a positive life.
Start today with some of my suggestions.