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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
How to Procrastinate to Success
Procrastination is usually considered to be a harmful activity, and we are advised to stop doing it. But sometimes procrastination may be the right response. Don't get upset with yourself if you are procrastinating about something. Instead follow this simple advice to tell the difference betwee
Earn As Much Affiliate Revenue As Possible With Your Blog
Yes, you can make a huge amount of money as an affiliate marketer and using blogs as your medium. Affiliate marketing for bloggers is a huge area of study, so enjoy the following tasty tidbits ...
Strategies for Changing Your Life by Tapping Into the Power of Your Mind
Your mind is a powerful ally to you. If your current employment situation is not fully to your liking, then ask for what you want or focus your mind on what you want for the next 90 days. Amazing results can occur when you harness the power of your thoughts.
When You Are Mad, Bad or Sad
From the dawn of our civilization we have confidently realized superiority of our mind over all other elements associated within our selves. It is the mental strength always and more today which tackles challenges from tiny to large scale issues, from that of local community issues to issues of glob
The High Cost Of Job Stress
Jobs stress is estimated to cost American industry $150 billion per year in diminished productivity, health insurance, direct medical expenses, absenteeism and compensation claims. These job stress costs are more than 15 times that of all strikes combined. Stressed out workers: Smoke more Have more
Are You Suffering From Addiction?
Introduction to medical problem of addiction and the effects upon the nervous system and behaviours of those with a dependency issue.
Searching for a New Career Direction?
Every week I meet with a number of new clients expressing interest in exploring new career options. What surprises me is how frequently I encounter a "stuckness" on their part that stems from one (or more often all) of the very same causes - a feeling that the task is too overwhelming, too
Five Ways to Produce Your Own Luck
Do you know somebody who invariably falls on their feet and gets what they need? Do you are feeling an inward cringe of envy once they start another anecdote 'you will never guess what is ...
Reasons Why Spiritual Development is Not Given Its Due Emphasis
This article explains why, despite the importance and relevance of spiritual development to our personal, social, religious, economic and political life, it is not given due emphasis in our personal development. One reason is that for most people the human being is composed only of body and soul. Th
How to pack wedding dresses when you are travelling?
How to Pack a Wedding Gown Right into a Travel Box by yourself? A wedding gown ought to be stored in pristine shape to be able to be functional in order to be valuable later ...
Procrastination Is All About Emotions - Part 3
If we want to get rid of our self-defeating habit of putting things off, we will necessarily have to change the emotions that lead us to procrastinate. And the way for us to achieve that is by changing the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that cause us to feel these same emotions.
Stress Reliever Games - The Funny Way to Relax Which Always Helps
Stress reliever games are an easy and funny way to get stress relieve. If played reasonable amount of time they can be a priceless part of an overall stress management program.
Preparing For the Inevitable
Are we prepared for the final exam that each one of has to face in our lives? In life there is no set syllabus, and most of the times we have to face questions which we least expect and which are always out of the syllabus we have set for ourselves.
Mom, Stop Being a Photo Pack-Rat!
Clutter is a way of life for most people. However if you find it a hindrance to your productivity then you need to get detached. Detached from your clutter!
Leaders Must Consider This Vital Issue As Failure Here Could Mean Continuous Disaster
Have you given serious consideration to this? Where you sit and the company you keep is vitally important. There are many in highly prominent positions who now wish they had learned this lesson! It is interesting to check out what can be checked, in Jerusalem and Israel, and to find it all accurate
Psychology Subliminal Messaging and Mind Control
As we now know, the terminology for mind control is not merely limited to the Hollywood screen now and there are so many of these technologies that you can get a hold of if you wanted to. If you look
How Can I Integrate The Spiritual Energies That I Am Feeling?
How do you integrate the spiritual energies that you are feeling? The planet is awakening spiritually, and the higher vibrations are affecting you. You are feeling curious new energies in your body and mind. Learn the steps that you can take to center yourself now.
Your Life Is Your Choice
What have Tiger Woods, you and I got in common? We all make choices and, often, our choices may not be for the best, for our lives or for the lives of those around us. But we don't make big bad choices out of the blue, we make little choices, moment to moment, that move our lives in our chosen