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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Vital Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks
It doesn't matter how smart you are, when you were born, or where you live " you are going to get knocked down. But if you can learn from the School of Hard Knocks, it's ...
Positive Brain Change At Any Age
You're never too old to make positive changes to your brain. While most people will tell you that people get set in their ways as they get older, science tells a different story. It is possib
Twenty Easy Tips To Help You Stay Motivated
Staying motivated is not always easy no matter what you are trying to accomplish. For those that are trying to get fit, motivation can even be harder. Whatever it is that you are trying to get motivated to do; there are a few tips that can help.
Goals: Measuring Your Progress in Three Easy Steps
Let's say you hop on a plane with your significant other for a long-anticipated vacation in Bermuda. Your pilot gives you the standard greeting at take-off, and you enjoy the rest of the flight munching ...
Discover How Self-Love Might Be Your Missing Key To Success
What does self-love have to do with finding the missing key to success in all areas of your life? Everything.It is safe to say that most adults today have been raised to believe that self-love is conc
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living
Learn how to live life without worry. Stop the anxiety ridden way of life. Put worry away and start living life fully.
Thoughts On Success Make Your Victory Inevitable
You have two ways; either lives successfully or unsuccessfully. If you want to become successful in your life, you have to change your mind and develop thoughts for getting victory. The history is evident that man has gained successfulness only, when he brought changes in himself.
The One Problem in Every Team
If a leader stops growing, so does the organization. And if you are a normal leader, you are the biggest bottleneck in your business. Your people spend more time waiting on you to give them what they need than they do getting what you need done. But we'll talk more about that next time.
Find Your Greatness
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them," declared William Shakespeare. Helen Keller contracted what is believed to have been meningitis or scarlet fever at the age of 19 months and was left permanently deaf and blind. Her parents knew their c
The Conversion Journey - When Our Inner Light Matches The Will Of God
There are three antiphons in the Liturgy of the Hours which is prayed by every ordained Catholic clergyman several times each day. Among the many Antiphons in the Liturgy of the Hours, these three describe to me what my habitual behavior must be if my inner light is to match the will of God. Surrend
That There May Be Equality
For the winter, I stuck a branch into the umbrella holder and hung the suet feeder from it so that it is only a foot from my office door. This makes it easy to change the suet.
How To Get Motivated - Tap It From Within You
Motivation is one of the words that this generation has given too much attention to. In the past, it is not something that people talk about. There weren't motivational coaches or books available. This does not mean that they didn't put premium on motivation to succeed. It is just that it
How to Achieve Great Results Just By Asking the Right Questions?
Ask and you shall receive. If you want to become successful in every aspect of your life, asking the right questions is a must to empower you to achieve breakthrough especially when life knocks you down. What are some of the empowering questions that you can apply immediately to create positive outc
Reset Your Course with The Compound Effect
Copyright (c) 2011 Kim Schuld Have you ever looked at the scale, or your bank account, or even a person in your life and wondered, "How did it get so bad?" I hear it all ...
Organization Tip - How Freebies and Coupons Can Cost You
There's something about a freebie that makes us value something that we otherwise wouldn't. When you are trying to become organized in your home and life, an important tip to remember is that freebies and coupons can actually cost you.
Self Nurture
Self Nurture Char Cooper RN, MSN,APRN [] An important part of wellness and overall feeling good is Self Nurture. What is self nurture? In a nutshell, it's taking time for yourself. Wow, I can almost ...
Manage The Peace Within You To Harness Fears And Manifest Positive Change!
Learn to be mindful. Learn to be more thankful. Learn to change your way of thinking. Learn to love who you are. Learn to Manage the Peace within you and you WILL change your life!
Good, Evil, God And The Devil (Vol II)
Good and evil co-exist within the same realm. Taking a cue from the biblical story of creation, in the same space where God comes to commune with the climax creation Man, also came the Devil. There is no written record of where the Devil came from or how the Devil arrived there.
Are You Seeking Advice From the Right People?
I believe we can learn more from the experience of others than we have time on this earth to discover for ourselves. Keep an open mind and find a way to learn from those who have already been there. Trust the experience of those people, above those who have not done what you want to do.