Manage The Peace Within You To Harness Fears And Manifest Positive Change!
Learn to be mindful.
Learn to be more thankful.
Learn to change your way of thinking.
Learn to love who you are.
Learn to Manage the Peace within you and you WILL change your life! We learned to walk, we learned to read, write, ride a bike and so many other skills that we use daily to thrive and survive.
in most cases we didn't question the process, we simply listened, learned and practiced to get better at each new thing.
To start that process we had to put one foot in front of the other! Understanding that we have to do that in order to move, we will then also know to put one small step in the direction of where we want to go in our lives, in front of yet another small step that will lead to great strides on the path to what should be an amazing journey! Doing this in a mindful way and being gentle with ourselves will keep the terrified and afraid of change part of our mind from screaming "game over!".
Sound easier said than done? It really isn't! Oftentimes we make things much more difficult for ourselves than they need to be.
This too can be a self defense mechanism we create without even realiziing it.
What I mean by this is that if the change is too difficult, the defeatest in us then give us permission to give up.
If we give in to giving up, then wouldn't have to live up to the changes our true self really does want would we?! Start by being easy on yourself.
! Believe that you are ALLOWED to be WHEREVER YOU ARE on your self improvement journey.
You will arrive precisely where you want to be and accomplish precisely what you intended to at PRECISELY the right time! The mind sees change as something unpredictable, dangerous, and insecure but isn't it a simple fact of reality that even the very next moment IS unpredictable? After all, we live on a molten-filled rock, traveling in a vast void, at a speed of 67,000 mph, around a gigantic nuclear reactor that is 1.
3 MILLION times bigger than the Earth! Is there anything else that could be LESS secure and less predictable? Go ahead, you CAN do it! Get going, stop chatting with yourself about what you MIGHT do, GET UP and go DO IT! If you don't know how, love yourself enough to go find a teacher or a mentor to get you started on that path! I assure you that absolutely EVERYONE started on their path the same way...
one foot in front of the other beautiful foot.
Learn to be more thankful.
Learn to change your way of thinking.
Learn to love who you are.
Learn to Manage the Peace within you and you WILL change your life! We learned to walk, we learned to read, write, ride a bike and so many other skills that we use daily to thrive and survive.
in most cases we didn't question the process, we simply listened, learned and practiced to get better at each new thing.
To start that process we had to put one foot in front of the other! Understanding that we have to do that in order to move, we will then also know to put one small step in the direction of where we want to go in our lives, in front of yet another small step that will lead to great strides on the path to what should be an amazing journey! Doing this in a mindful way and being gentle with ourselves will keep the terrified and afraid of change part of our mind from screaming "game over!".
Sound easier said than done? It really isn't! Oftentimes we make things much more difficult for ourselves than they need to be.
This too can be a self defense mechanism we create without even realiziing it.
What I mean by this is that if the change is too difficult, the defeatest in us then give us permission to give up.
If we give in to giving up, then wouldn't have to live up to the changes our true self really does want would we?! Start by being easy on yourself.
! Believe that you are ALLOWED to be WHEREVER YOU ARE on your self improvement journey.
You will arrive precisely where you want to be and accomplish precisely what you intended to at PRECISELY the right time! The mind sees change as something unpredictable, dangerous, and insecure but isn't it a simple fact of reality that even the very next moment IS unpredictable? After all, we live on a molten-filled rock, traveling in a vast void, at a speed of 67,000 mph, around a gigantic nuclear reactor that is 1.
3 MILLION times bigger than the Earth! Is there anything else that could be LESS secure and less predictable? Go ahead, you CAN do it! Get going, stop chatting with yourself about what you MIGHT do, GET UP and go DO IT! If you don't know how, love yourself enough to go find a teacher or a mentor to get you started on that path! I assure you that absolutely EVERYONE started on their path the same way...
one foot in front of the other beautiful foot.