How to Achieve Great Results Just By Asking the Right Questions?
Our life experience is based on what we focus on, and what we focus on depends on our habitual thought process of asking and answering questions in our very own mind.
Let me give you an example.
When you're in a mess and you ask "Why bad things always happening to me?" or "Why can't I ever succeed in life?" Then your mind will probably came up with the answer and tells you "Because you are not smart enough", "Because you are stupid", "Because of him or her...
" all the answers that will only cause disempowerment and shifting yourself dwelling into negative thinking.
Therefore, it is important for us to realize that quality questions create a quality life.
If you want to make lasting positive change, you must change your habitual thought process by asking problem-solving questions that empower you.
The reason is because powerful questions not only change the way you think but also the choices and actions you make, which ultimately determine your outcome and destiny.
Let me show you what are some of the empowering questions that you can use and apply immediately to create positive outcome that you desire in every aspect of your life.
The following questions are designed to redirect your thought process and change the meaning of an experience when you are in a difficult situation.
It is created so that you can experience more peace, happiness, calmness, positivity and gratitude.
For example:
Choose to start asking empowering questions everyday by switching your mind from the judger mindset, which focuses on problems that ask questions such as: "Why wasn't I invited?" "Why did he do this to me?" To the learner mindset where the focus is on the solutions, choices and what's right, and asks: "What can I learn from this?" "What did I do right or what did I do well?" "How can I improve and get better next time?" Always remember that focusing on asking questions from the learner mindset will create more questions that focus on solutions and positive outcomes.
Let me give you an example.
When you're in a mess and you ask "Why bad things always happening to me?" or "Why can't I ever succeed in life?" Then your mind will probably came up with the answer and tells you "Because you are not smart enough", "Because you are stupid", "Because of him or her...
" all the answers that will only cause disempowerment and shifting yourself dwelling into negative thinking.
Therefore, it is important for us to realize that quality questions create a quality life.
If you want to make lasting positive change, you must change your habitual thought process by asking problem-solving questions that empower you.
The reason is because powerful questions not only change the way you think but also the choices and actions you make, which ultimately determine your outcome and destiny.
Let me show you what are some of the empowering questions that you can use and apply immediately to create positive outcome that you desire in every aspect of your life.
The following questions are designed to redirect your thought process and change the meaning of an experience when you are in a difficult situation.
It is created so that you can experience more peace, happiness, calmness, positivity and gratitude.
For example:
- What is great about this problem?
- What benefit do I get out of this unfortunate incident?
- What am I excited and happy about in my life now?
- How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?
- Will making this choice take me towards what I truly want or will it keep me stuck in my past?
- Am I pleasing myself or trying to please others?
- Does thinking about taking this action make me feel energised or do I feel drained?
- Will this habit or action give me short-term gratification or will I gain longer-lasting satisfaction?
- Am I focusing on the solution or on the problem?
- Are my thoughts right now self-nurturing and affirming or self-attacking and critical?
- Will this habit or action empower me or disempower me?
- What is it that I really want?
- If I imagine that I knew what to do, the first thing I would do is...
? - What solutions can I imagine that would solve this challenge?
- In a similar situation, what have I done that worked?
- If I had no choice but to make this work, what would I do differently from what I'm doing now?
Choose to start asking empowering questions everyday by switching your mind from the judger mindset, which focuses on problems that ask questions such as: "Why wasn't I invited?" "Why did he do this to me?" To the learner mindset where the focus is on the solutions, choices and what's right, and asks: "What can I learn from this?" "What did I do right or what did I do well?" "How can I improve and get better next time?" Always remember that focusing on asking questions from the learner mindset will create more questions that focus on solutions and positive outcomes.