How To Stop Worrying And Start Living
Why Worry?
Introduction Are you a worryholic? Are you one of those who: Mulls over thoughts? Chews and chews on an idea like a dog with a bone? Beats a thought to death only to find that you gained nothing?
If you are, there is good news. You can learn to stop worrying. You can eliminate and start enjoying every minute of your life.
You can learn to live in the present moment. Worrying is addictive. You can recover.
Would you like to learn to:
Take life as it comes?
Live serenely one day at a time?
Know that your fears are unfounded?
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real
Worry Creates Your Life Emmett Fox, renowned spiritual teacher, tells us that "What we give our attention to will become our life. What we continually think on and worry over will eventually become our life experience."
What you allow your conscious mind to dwell on will produce the seeds that the subconscious mind will plant and grow into your life experience.
This is not up for debate, what your mind dwells on will come into fruition.
Characteristics of a Worryholic Worriers have general characteristics. Check yourself against the list and if you find yourself there. You are a worryholic.
Are selfish
Find faults with others
Gossip Blame others for their situation
Use a lot of "yes, buts"
Are slaves to the opinion of others
Spend more time pondering then doing
See yourself here? You can change these patterns. Become aware and stop yourself when you fall into one of these traps.
The wonderful serenity prayer says it all: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Understanding Thought and Worry
We will but touch the surface of the study of the three parts of the mind. I strongly recommend that you pursue the study further.
There are three facets of the mind, they are:
The Conscious mind. This would be the farmer spreading seed. Your thoughts are the seeds that are sent to the subconscious mind. If you constantly plant seeds of worry, negativity and doubt then that will be your experience.
The Subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the soil. It accepts the seeds the conscious mind sends it. It does not judge or censor, it starts to work on producing your thoughts.
The Super conscious mind. This would be the Universal mind, the Higher Power, God or whatever you choose to call it.
Within the Super conscious mind is:
Infinite wisdom
Infinite power
Infinite supply
Infinite intelligence
It is the part of the mind that gives us inspiration, Ah Ha moments and ability.
Your need never worry again once you tap into the power of the mind.
92% of Worries Experts agree that Ninety-two percent of worries are needless.
We worry about:
The past - We can do nothing about it.
The future - Events we worry about may not materialize.
Our health - Making it worse
Eight percent of our other worries are of two kinds:
1. Problems we can do nothing about
2. Problems we can do something about
What to do? No need to worry about those you can do nothing about. So spend your time doing something about the problems you can solve. Take Action.
Summary To summarize, you need to determine if you are a worryholic. If you're reading this article, the odds are pretty good, you are.
You'll need to accept that worrying does nothing constructive for your life.
You'll want at least a minimal understanding of the three parts of mind.
Copyright (c) 2009 Wee Dilts
Introduction Are you a worryholic? Are you one of those who: Mulls over thoughts? Chews and chews on an idea like a dog with a bone? Beats a thought to death only to find that you gained nothing?
If you are, there is good news. You can learn to stop worrying. You can eliminate and start enjoying every minute of your life.
You can learn to live in the present moment. Worrying is addictive. You can recover.
Would you like to learn to:
Take life as it comes?
Live serenely one day at a time?
Know that your fears are unfounded?
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real
Worry Creates Your Life Emmett Fox, renowned spiritual teacher, tells us that "What we give our attention to will become our life. What we continually think on and worry over will eventually become our life experience."
What you allow your conscious mind to dwell on will produce the seeds that the subconscious mind will plant and grow into your life experience.
This is not up for debate, what your mind dwells on will come into fruition.
Characteristics of a Worryholic Worriers have general characteristics. Check yourself against the list and if you find yourself there. You are a worryholic.
Are selfish
Find faults with others
Gossip Blame others for their situation
Use a lot of "yes, buts"
Are slaves to the opinion of others
Spend more time pondering then doing
See yourself here? You can change these patterns. Become aware and stop yourself when you fall into one of these traps.
The wonderful serenity prayer says it all: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Understanding Thought and Worry
We will but touch the surface of the study of the three parts of the mind. I strongly recommend that you pursue the study further.
There are three facets of the mind, they are:
The Conscious mind. This would be the farmer spreading seed. Your thoughts are the seeds that are sent to the subconscious mind. If you constantly plant seeds of worry, negativity and doubt then that will be your experience.
The Subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the soil. It accepts the seeds the conscious mind sends it. It does not judge or censor, it starts to work on producing your thoughts.
The Super conscious mind. This would be the Universal mind, the Higher Power, God or whatever you choose to call it.
Within the Super conscious mind is:
Infinite wisdom
Infinite power
Infinite supply
Infinite intelligence
It is the part of the mind that gives us inspiration, Ah Ha moments and ability.
Your need never worry again once you tap into the power of the mind.
92% of Worries Experts agree that Ninety-two percent of worries are needless.
We worry about:
The past - We can do nothing about it.
The future - Events we worry about may not materialize.
Our health - Making it worse
Eight percent of our other worries are of two kinds:
1. Problems we can do nothing about
2. Problems we can do something about
What to do? No need to worry about those you can do nothing about. So spend your time doing something about the problems you can solve. Take Action.
Summary To summarize, you need to determine if you are a worryholic. If you're reading this article, the odds are pretty good, you are.
You'll need to accept that worrying does nothing constructive for your life.
You'll want at least a minimal understanding of the three parts of mind.
Copyright (c) 2009 Wee Dilts