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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Manifest Wealth Using 4 Tips
In the world we live, most people do dream of more money, luxury cars, or dream houses. It can be possible if you know how to manifest wealth. Yes, we can all manifest wealth.
Abundance and Prosperity Begin Here - Part I
Material prosperity is wonderful. But it can seem meaningless and empty when you're stressed and depressed, when you're unhappy or lonely. By learning how to live in the present moment, you can enjoy all the abundance the universe has to offer. In this series of articles, you'll disco
How to Achieve Big Breakthroughs in Your Life - Part I
There are few things which will always remain a secret. Love, Purity, Supreme Peace, Contentment, serenity and a few more.. For ages wise men and women have done their best to express these deep feelings. Yet they remain a secret until you have realized it, experienced it in its fullness... Today we
Don't Fear Your Fear
The only thing that is holding you back is your self. You have the power to go ahead, power to stay back, power to rule the world and power to be ruled. This is something which is already in you and no one can take it from you but your own fears. So go out there and unleash what you have inside you.
Where can I find who called me
Where can I find who called me is a question which would come in your mind when you would require finding the details of any phone number. The government keeps track of the activities of ...
Procrastination to SELF Motivation (in less than 5 minutes)!
Do you use procrastination to avoid doing things that you actually WANT to do?Do you procrastinate things such as...Exercising?Doing the dishes?Writing a report?Making networking or sales prospecting
How to Pass Your Faith on to Your Children
Are you concerned about your child's relationship with God? Do you wonder if your children will ever develop a love for the things of God? Don't feel alone, many Christian parents agonize over their children with respect to such issues, but I have good news for you: God has a plan for your
Fear Factor: Not Just A Reality TV Show
Copyright (c) 2011 Kim Schuld You're not alone if you're scared. Fear is an emotion we all feel and all react to, even those of you who are adrenaline junkies and appear to be afraid ...
3 Ways To Develop And Practice Patience
There are many ways to develop and practice patience. If you are interested in learning some of them, then I applaud you. Taking the initiative to change yourself for the better is perhaps the most important part of any personal development process.
Edgy Conversations - Why Success Needs to Hurt First
Success hurts. You have to understand how to deal with your pain or you'll never be prepared to grow enough to achieve outrageous success.
How To Write A Brilliant Speech In Under 5 Minutes
The boss's phone rings. You happen to be passing and you pick it up. "Is Gary there?" "No, he's not around" "Well, it's Andrea here, the HR Director and Gary is due to present his ...
The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis Released
Hypnosis sounds like a strange word for most people. It reminds them of the TV shows with magic tricks and patients collapsing on the stage. These people have no idea what hypnosis is!
When a Man's Heart Is Troubled or His Mind Is Under Real Pressure Running Away Is Never the Answer
"How can I forgive myself?" That is said by more people, and more often, than many of us would like to admit. How many are tormented by feelings of guilt? There are things which have happened in the past and they have a way of flooding back into our minds if they are not dealt with at the
NLP Language - Master One of the Most Powerful Skills Within You
To be able to communicate with people and influence them is a very powerful skill to have. NLP language is the way to become positive in your mental attitude.
Positive People Positively Find Happiness!
Looking for Happiness? Look no further than above your own eyes. Happiness begins with an attitude. You guessed it, a positive one. You can look at the glass half-empty or half-full. We all look at the glass everyday. But the key is what do you see? Read on...
Covert Hypnosis - 3 Ways To Imply And Get People To Act On A Suggestion
One of the best ways to hypnotize someone and get someone to act on a suggestion is simply to imply it. That way, they won't automatically reject your suggestion like they normally would, and you can gradually build it up over time. So here are three things you can do to imply something...
Are You a Leader - Or Are You a Loser?
What's the difference between a "leader" and a "manager"? The answer - "leaders" have more presence than normal people. Anyone can rise through the ranks to become a "manager" or a "CEO" - but only some of us are born leaders! Wrong! We all have
Autogenically Program Your Subconscious Mind to Attain Your Desires!
As you autogenically program your subconscious mind with properly formed and hypnotic affirmations to fulfill a goal, you increase your belief in your ability to draw it into your reality. Whatever desires you set out to manifest, affirmations and visualizations help you tap into your true potential
Gaining Success Is Not As Tough As You May Think
What is success really? How do you find success? Why do people think that success is impossible to find when it is right in front of our eyes?
Overcome Anxiety With Hypnosis
Anxiety is a disorder that can negatively affect every aspect of a person's life. A person who experiences anxiety may become panicked if a certain situation occurs. For example an individual who has anxiety about financial matters may experience a panic attack, stress and extreme worry if thei