7 Self Help Books Just For Men
There are plenty of good self-help books out there for all ages and genders.
But, I wanted to focus on the under-represented group of men and self-help for men.
There are actually some very good beneficial, even life changing books out there for men out there that people are just not aware of.
Just as women turn to their books about empowerment and "girl power" as the Spice Girls said, there are great books for men looking for solutions for self-improvement whether it is in the dating realm, success, enlightenment, or even just improving their overall class.
Being in touch with their emotions and thinking deeper as man only makes you stronger, not weaker.
It may be called "feminine" for a man to read self-help, bu stubbornness in a man is probably one of the biggest limiters that causes them to ignore issues and never develop and grow their inner self, their inner spirit.
There is nothing wrong with seeking help, especially if it is going to make you better and help you receive concrete answers that you have been looking for.
But for the men ready to make the leap and do some soul-searching and improvements in their lives I have listed 7 books that I feel would great to read and would get the job done.
From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal; Dating Success Feeling shy and wanting to gain some skills to attract and date women? Then this book is for you.
There are plenty of dating books for men to get the girl, but this book by Christopher Gray focuses on the shy guy.
;He addresses the issue of shyness first before giving out any dating advice, and when he does, he draws from his own personal experience to add that layer of credibility.
Whether are shy or not, you can benefit from the advice from this book.
Details Men's Style Manual: The Ultimate Guide for Making Your Clothes Work for You Looking to dress better? Want to add some flavor to your current wardrobe? Well look no further.
This has everything chapter to chapter, from hats down to your shows, and everything in between.
Best of all, everything is explained in a very direct manner, just like how guys want it.
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire This book really focuses on: - pursuing your own life and no one else's - giving to the world and leaving it a better place - washing out insecurity from you - and getting off your bum and make something of yourself.
"It is time to evolve beyond the macho jerk ideal, all spine and no heart...
It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine.
" says David Deida, and reading this book will teach you to be in the happy middle, bringing the two worlds together.
Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment Who says being enlightened is hard work and only available for the deeply spiritual-minded? It shows you how to be: - more connected to the universe - aware of your vibrations and the messages it sends out - more loving and positive, instead of diminishing ourselves with negativity.
Best of all, it explains it in a way that men can comprehend.
Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity Whether you are a fan of football, Drew Brees' story of adversity is quiet amazing.
After a slew of injuries, Drew came back to lead the Saints in their first Superbowl in history.
Not only that, he gave hope and inspiration for a city;devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
He shares with you the mindset and his attitude that helped him not only come back, but come back stronger, overcoming any obstacle that came in his way.
The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man Want to be a classic gentleman? Learn from this book and gain knowledge to: - improve your social skills - demystify manhood - bond with your fellow brethren and really connect - clean yourself up and look sharp - and much more.
Man Up!: 367 Classic Skills for the Modern Guy Do you feel: - Unworldy? - Inexperienced? - Niave? - Socially Inept? This book tackles these issues and more giving up practical advice.
That way, you can: - Make an awesome first impression - Look fantastic when you go out - Even learn some simple home improvements.
More importantly, you would "Man up!"
But, I wanted to focus on the under-represented group of men and self-help for men.
There are actually some very good beneficial, even life changing books out there for men out there that people are just not aware of.
Just as women turn to their books about empowerment and "girl power" as the Spice Girls said, there are great books for men looking for solutions for self-improvement whether it is in the dating realm, success, enlightenment, or even just improving their overall class.
Being in touch with their emotions and thinking deeper as man only makes you stronger, not weaker.
It may be called "feminine" for a man to read self-help, bu stubbornness in a man is probably one of the biggest limiters that causes them to ignore issues and never develop and grow their inner self, their inner spirit.
There is nothing wrong with seeking help, especially if it is going to make you better and help you receive concrete answers that you have been looking for.
But for the men ready to make the leap and do some soul-searching and improvements in their lives I have listed 7 books that I feel would great to read and would get the job done.
From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal; Dating Success Feeling shy and wanting to gain some skills to attract and date women? Then this book is for you.
There are plenty of dating books for men to get the girl, but this book by Christopher Gray focuses on the shy guy.
;He addresses the issue of shyness first before giving out any dating advice, and when he does, he draws from his own personal experience to add that layer of credibility.
Whether are shy or not, you can benefit from the advice from this book.
Details Men's Style Manual: The Ultimate Guide for Making Your Clothes Work for You Looking to dress better? Want to add some flavor to your current wardrobe? Well look no further.
This has everything chapter to chapter, from hats down to your shows, and everything in between.
Best of all, everything is explained in a very direct manner, just like how guys want it.
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire This book really focuses on: - pursuing your own life and no one else's - giving to the world and leaving it a better place - washing out insecurity from you - and getting off your bum and make something of yourself.
"It is time to evolve beyond the macho jerk ideal, all spine and no heart...
It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine.
" says David Deida, and reading this book will teach you to be in the happy middle, bringing the two worlds together.
Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment Who says being enlightened is hard work and only available for the deeply spiritual-minded? It shows you how to be: - more connected to the universe - aware of your vibrations and the messages it sends out - more loving and positive, instead of diminishing ourselves with negativity.
Best of all, it explains it in a way that men can comprehend.
Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity Whether you are a fan of football, Drew Brees' story of adversity is quiet amazing.
After a slew of injuries, Drew came back to lead the Saints in their first Superbowl in history.
Not only that, he gave hope and inspiration for a city;devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
He shares with you the mindset and his attitude that helped him not only come back, but come back stronger, overcoming any obstacle that came in his way.
The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man Want to be a classic gentleman? Learn from this book and gain knowledge to: - improve your social skills - demystify manhood - bond with your fellow brethren and really connect - clean yourself up and look sharp - and much more.
Man Up!: 367 Classic Skills for the Modern Guy Do you feel: - Unworldy? - Inexperienced? - Niave? - Socially Inept? This book tackles these issues and more giving up practical advice.
That way, you can: - Make an awesome first impression - Look fantastic when you go out - Even learn some simple home improvements.
More importantly, you would "Man up!"