Creatively Stuck? How To Ask The Right Questions To Get Your Creativity Flowing Freely Again
You might be struggling with all kinds of issues in your creative life right now? Maybe you're wondering what you should be focusing your energies on? Which creative form to develop your work in? Whether to start a new project or finish an existing one? You might even be wondering why you feel so adrift from the creative person you really want to be, and from creating the art you truly long to create? In short, you're looking for answers to some pretty fundamental questions about your creative life.
But where and how do you find these answers? Do they even exist? Well, YES! Sometimes it's just about asking the right questions, then listening.
If you ask yourself the questions that you most need to ask - then trust yourself enough to believe that somewhere inside you, processes are taking place, cogs are whirring, ideas are bubbling and a sense of clarity is forming - you will be presented with the answers you need.
For example, if you find yourself stuck creatively, or don't know what project to do next or how you can best use your creativity, ask yourself this one simple question - "What does my creative life need right now?" Then just take the time to sit and let the answers come to you.
You may want to close your eyes and let your thoughts gather.
You may want to take some pens and paper and brainstorm or mindmap the ideas as they come to you.
You might want to draw diagrams or pictures.
Or you may find another way that works even better for you.
Ask, and listen, with a genuine openness and trust in yourself and you'll be amazed at what happens.
Maybe this isn't exactly the right question to ask at this time? Maybe it's too specific even? Taking this idea to a wider scope, you could simply ask - "What questions do I need to ask myself right now?" What do you need to ask yourself to get the core of what will help you move forward? If you don't know where you want to be heading, and don't take any steps to find out and start moving, you'll be stuck and standing still for good.
Take the time though to ask yourself the questions that, deep down, you KNOW you need to ask yourself, then be prepared to listen openly, and there will always be something valuable to hear...
But where and how do you find these answers? Do they even exist? Well, YES! Sometimes it's just about asking the right questions, then listening.
If you ask yourself the questions that you most need to ask - then trust yourself enough to believe that somewhere inside you, processes are taking place, cogs are whirring, ideas are bubbling and a sense of clarity is forming - you will be presented with the answers you need.
For example, if you find yourself stuck creatively, or don't know what project to do next or how you can best use your creativity, ask yourself this one simple question - "What does my creative life need right now?" Then just take the time to sit and let the answers come to you.
You may want to close your eyes and let your thoughts gather.
You may want to take some pens and paper and brainstorm or mindmap the ideas as they come to you.
You might want to draw diagrams or pictures.
Or you may find another way that works even better for you.
Ask, and listen, with a genuine openness and trust in yourself and you'll be amazed at what happens.
Maybe this isn't exactly the right question to ask at this time? Maybe it's too specific even? Taking this idea to a wider scope, you could simply ask - "What questions do I need to ask myself right now?" What do you need to ask yourself to get the core of what will help you move forward? If you don't know where you want to be heading, and don't take any steps to find out and start moving, you'll be stuck and standing still for good.
Take the time though to ask yourself the questions that, deep down, you KNOW you need to ask yourself, then be prepared to listen openly, and there will always be something valuable to hear...