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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Stressed and Angry? - One Self-Help Step You Must Take
Are you stressed and angry?Maybe you do not even know for sure why.First understanding a little bit about stress will help you control both your stress and your anger.Stress is not always a bad thing.We need some stress in our lives.
Don't Have Room For A Work Center
Do you have coupons and papers (reminders) taped all over your refrigerator? Papers in piles all over your kitchen counter or table? Papers next to the phone in a big heap? Bills and mail thrown ...
The Treasure Chest of Holy Joy
If the LORD truly is our treasure chest of holy joy we shall satisfy ourselves in no other reward than him; having not nearly enough gratitude to give, we do give what we have, and we are pleased to do this. We have nothing to give God apart from our gratitude: Christ is our reward - he, alone, is o
Suicidal Tendencies Treatment Can Help You to Get Rid of Schizophrenia
In case, you are suffering from Schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies treatment is the most prominent solution, to all your problems. These are provided by professionals, only. Suicide can be defined as a major act of taking ...
The Power of Eliminating Resistance
"What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now." ~The Buddha~Have you heard the saying, "What you resist persists"? Resistance is so powerful it can create an energetic force field literally separating from you from your dreams by pushing away what y
How Low Can You Go - Part 2
Self-esteem. For some of us its a dirty word. Mostly because we feel we can't control it. It controls us.
The Two Wolves of Good and Evil
You see, good and evil are judgments. There is nothing that is universally good or evil. These are judgments placed on emotions, actions, events etc that are based on ones beliefs, emotions and perspectives. Good and Evil are not universal truths. What is evil to one may very well be good to another
Brain plasticity--What is it and how extraordinary can it be?
Brain plasticity (also known as cortical plasticity or neuroplasticity) is the ability of the brain to reorganize itself – forming new brain cells and new information processing connections between th
Become the Master of Your Habits
A critical component of "Life Mastery" is having habits that support you in creating and living the life you truly desire. This article briefly touches on some of the critical components for mastering your habits so that they support you in creating and living the life you truly desire.
Exploring The Various Categories Of Leadership Theory
To attain good management, one has to have good leadership. The term leadership is defined as the ability an individual has to exert their influence over a group of people while getting them inspired to achieve a set of goals. Leadership theory is applied in various aspects of life ranging from head
The Battle Of Holiday Stress and Anxiety
Do you battle with Holiday Stress and Anxiety? Are you tired of watching everyone else enjoying the holiday seasons while you sit back silently detesting them? It's time to come out of hiding and allow yourself to enjoy the holidays... you deserve it!
You Need to Know This About Your Karma
Karma is one of the most popular spiritual topics, and for a good reason; people want to know how to improve their karma, thus make their lives better. People also want to avoid the nasty surprise of bad karma.
Why You Should Follow Your Inner Wisdom
Many of us ignore our gut instincts and then regret it later. It is advantageous to learn to hone into your own inner wisdom and to trust in your instinctive sensory abilities. We all have ...
Accept Accountability
It seems like accepting the principle of accountability is not a popular thing. But, I may be too young to understand that the idea of vicitmhood has been around for a very long time.
Thirty Days to Live
If you had only 30 days left to live, what would you do? Would you change the way you live your life? If you said yes, how would you change it?
3 Goal Setting Tips For Guys Who Want Better Things In 2013
It is a new year coming up and in the long standing tradition of the new year, you are more than likely going to start thinking about setting some goals. It's a chance to take stock and have a real look at where you are right now and where you want to be. Of course, if you are like most guys, a
Gratitude, Not Your Aptitude Determines Your Altitude
I know the title to this article is a little contentious, but there is more to gratitude than meets the eye. When you are in a state of gratitude, you create an environment of positive ...
Psychic Advice
Finding an accurate online psychic An online psychic reading can help you gain insight into your life regarding different matters that may include family lost love finances and career among many other life's questions. This ...
Treble Your Income - Why Not Get Your Priorities Right?
Almost everybody is obsessed with money. So-called self-help websites mainly focus on money - "Treble Your Income" or "Watch Your Income Explode!" they shout. But that's putting the cart before the horse. Years of research and thousands of years of wisdom suggest that if you
Truth About Chakras
The best way to understand the energetic body is to think of it as a quantum biomechanical entity. What I mean by this is that the potential of any of its parts has a direct relation to the amount of attention that it receives. Your big toe has as much ability to create energy as does your head or h