What"s Your Love Number?
To be a light to yourself and others, vibrate at the energy frequency of love.
On a frequency scale to 1000, love is 500.
I'm sure you're asking, "How do I operate at the love frequency of 500?" When you are expressing the qualities of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, happiness, gratitude and peace, you are operating at the frequency of love.
This means that everything that inspires, empowers and enhances life is pure Source energy, or pure love.
Vibrating at love is the surest way to go to a higher state of consciousness and frees us from limiting thoughts, feelings and actions.
We are no longer victims of consciousness that minimize our unlimited potential.
We all know what the lower energy vibrations feel like because we have either lived at lower energy frequencies or know someone who has/is.
These are feelings of guilt, shame, judgment and fear; emotions that make you feel heavy, dark or in a "bad" place.
What would it take for you to vibrate at love? Simply, ask the universe what it would take for you to always vibrate at love.
An easy way to start, and what I do, is to bless everyone while you are driving or bless everyone is your office or community.
You can even expand this energy by sending love to your city, state, country and world.
You can also tap into the energy of love by simply intending to do so.
I set my intention to have an unbreakable connection to Source energy; which is love.
Then I simply proclaim it out loud for the universe to take notice and it is so.
Our souls know exactly what we are doing and are ecstatic to assist! Since I began meditating about a year ago, I know for sure that meditation expands our spiritual awareness.
Through this practice, I am free from the cloud of negativity and limited thinking that used to permeate my life.
I feel lighter and shine brighter! This, by the way, is how you know your negative energy is being cleared (feeling lighter).
Today, I'd like to share with you my highest vision of myself.
By operating at the energy frequency of 500, here is what my future looks like: I am a millionaire from doing what I love to do and by being Carla (me).
I do not stifle my light or act like I'm miserable to be relatable or make others feel more comfortable.
My purpose is to spread the word about spiritual awareness and enlightenment and that is what I am doing.
I travel the world speaking about spiritual awareness and how we can all transform the world.
I teach others who want to live the life of their dreams by living in love and learning to manifest.
Although I am in Paris, I have a red-eye flight because Oprah Winfrey is interviewing me tomorrow.
After the interview, she invites me to her Legend's Ball this year.
Because of the recognition I got from her show, I am also invited to the White House because of my contributions to the world, and my commitment to shift Global Consciousness.
My personal and family life is filled with love, peace and joy.
My energy is so magnificent that everyone around me is affected; it's like everything I touch turns to gold.
Now that I have made my publicity rounds, which I am so grateful for; my family and I are going to vacation in Mykonos, Greece.
We rent a yacht so that we can jump into the ocean (with a life jacket, of course).
I can now check that off my bucket list! In the hotel later that night, I check my email and see that another of my own products has gotten critical acclaim.
We have a celebratory glass of champagne before getting dressed for dinner.
My life has exceeded all of my wildest dreams.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture! As I was typing, I could actually see myself in all these places doing these wonderful things.
Somehow, I feel that you got caught up in my vision too.
This is because you can feel the energy I'm writing with.
I encourage you to write how your life would be if you vibrated at love all the time.
I asked myself, "What are your wildest dreams?" Then I just added the details around those dreams.
Please share what you come up with below.
I'd love to dream big with you!
On a frequency scale to 1000, love is 500.
I'm sure you're asking, "How do I operate at the love frequency of 500?" When you are expressing the qualities of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, happiness, gratitude and peace, you are operating at the frequency of love.
This means that everything that inspires, empowers and enhances life is pure Source energy, or pure love.
Vibrating at love is the surest way to go to a higher state of consciousness and frees us from limiting thoughts, feelings and actions.
We are no longer victims of consciousness that minimize our unlimited potential.
We all know what the lower energy vibrations feel like because we have either lived at lower energy frequencies or know someone who has/is.
These are feelings of guilt, shame, judgment and fear; emotions that make you feel heavy, dark or in a "bad" place.
What would it take for you to vibrate at love? Simply, ask the universe what it would take for you to always vibrate at love.
An easy way to start, and what I do, is to bless everyone while you are driving or bless everyone is your office or community.
You can even expand this energy by sending love to your city, state, country and world.
You can also tap into the energy of love by simply intending to do so.
I set my intention to have an unbreakable connection to Source energy; which is love.
Then I simply proclaim it out loud for the universe to take notice and it is so.
Our souls know exactly what we are doing and are ecstatic to assist! Since I began meditating about a year ago, I know for sure that meditation expands our spiritual awareness.
Through this practice, I am free from the cloud of negativity and limited thinking that used to permeate my life.
I feel lighter and shine brighter! This, by the way, is how you know your negative energy is being cleared (feeling lighter).
Today, I'd like to share with you my highest vision of myself.
By operating at the energy frequency of 500, here is what my future looks like: I am a millionaire from doing what I love to do and by being Carla (me).
I do not stifle my light or act like I'm miserable to be relatable or make others feel more comfortable.
My purpose is to spread the word about spiritual awareness and enlightenment and that is what I am doing.
I travel the world speaking about spiritual awareness and how we can all transform the world.
I teach others who want to live the life of their dreams by living in love and learning to manifest.
Although I am in Paris, I have a red-eye flight because Oprah Winfrey is interviewing me tomorrow.
After the interview, she invites me to her Legend's Ball this year.
Because of the recognition I got from her show, I am also invited to the White House because of my contributions to the world, and my commitment to shift Global Consciousness.
My personal and family life is filled with love, peace and joy.
My energy is so magnificent that everyone around me is affected; it's like everything I touch turns to gold.
Now that I have made my publicity rounds, which I am so grateful for; my family and I are going to vacation in Mykonos, Greece.
We rent a yacht so that we can jump into the ocean (with a life jacket, of course).
I can now check that off my bucket list! In the hotel later that night, I check my email and see that another of my own products has gotten critical acclaim.
We have a celebratory glass of champagne before getting dressed for dinner.
My life has exceeded all of my wildest dreams.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture! As I was typing, I could actually see myself in all these places doing these wonderful things.
Somehow, I feel that you got caught up in my vision too.
This is because you can feel the energy I'm writing with.
I encourage you to write how your life would be if you vibrated at love all the time.
I asked myself, "What are your wildest dreams?" Then I just added the details around those dreams.
Please share what you come up with below.
I'd love to dream big with you!