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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
How to Remain Happy Everyday
As they always say, laughter is the best medicine. In this article, we will look at how you can make use of laughter to remain happy everyday, and also other simple yet effective methods to help you stay happy everyday!
If You Want Success - Have a Plan
You can't have a goal without a plan or some concrete thought on how to achieve the goal you've set. For me, the goal was qualifying for Boston, but, when push came to shove, I really had no plan for how I was going to get it done.
Step Two - Knowing What You Do Want - Part II of the Five Steps to Getting What You Want Series
Okay, this is the fun part!You've dealt with being honest with yourself and understanding exactly what you don't want. Now it's time to really focus in on what it is that you do want.
Three Secrets You Need to Know About the Monkey Mind
Knowing that the monkey mind has a viable and valuable job helps to honor when it takes an active role in your life. However, there are three secrets that, when you know them, can completely change your understanding of how you are living your life.
The Patch For the Subconscious Mind - Subliminal Messages
The subconscious mind needs to be reprogrammed to achieve new results. Subliminal messages automatically drop subliminal subconscious commands into your subconsciousmind.
The Humility of Heart
Simply put, humility is the belief that oneself is not better than another and it can be a form of powerful self discipline. Unseemingly so, but humility allows a person to become happier flourishing with self contentment.
Life Lessons About Locating Vending Machines From a Father
I knew a man that had identical twins. These twins were identical and you could not determine one from the other except for their attitude and it was completely different.One was so pessimistic that you couldn't stand to be around him without thinking everything was bad bad bad.
In Pursuit of the Mystical
Religion has attempted to delineate various concepts of God. Now it is science's turn.
Can You Really Become a Life Coach?
Becoming a life coach is easier than you might think. Life coaches do not have mystical powers. They are ordinary people like you and me. Find out what makes a good coach within this article.
I'll Be Happy When
Are you living a life of "I'll be happy when?"Are you striving to obtain what you think will make you happy? The key to getting what you want in life is to be happy now in whatever situation you find yourself in. Then the things you desire flow effortlessly into your life. It all star
Who is the Greatest Person in the World?
Is being humble hurting you? Do you put everyone else's needs before yours? If you do is it any wonder you are getting what you want?
Stress Management: Problem Land or Solution Land
Its almost become a national past time. Just check out a talk show or a self help book. Almost all the time and space is spent describing, giving examples, and complaining about the problem, with, if were lucky, only a glimpse at possible solutions.
Kabbalah - The Science of the Concealed
Some people think of Kabbalah as a mystery, a new age religion, mysticism, or magic. In fact, Kabbalah is none of these, yet even Kabbalists call it "a concealed wisdom." At first, this seems like a paradox: How can Kabbalah be something that's "concealed," yet not be a myst
Simple Tips If You Feel Shy When You're Naked
If you're shy when you're naked, what can you do to reduce your shyness?After all, there are times when you're going to be naked in front of other people. Maybe in the changing rooms.
Money Is Energy - Lessons From Mentors
Attracting money into your life is something most of the planet wants to know how to do better. What they don't realize is that money, like anything else is attracted by the right energy. If you're thinking thoughts of debt, you'll attract debt. Learning how to attract money is done b
Moving Forward Through Building Momentum
Living life can be beautiful if you simply think it to be beautiful. You need not hesitate to allow yourself to achieve what you wish from life. Thus, you simply need to be sure of what you want and you will be given an equivalent part of life that meets your inner most desires.
You Don't Have to Have a Photographic Memory to Sharpen Your Short Term Memory!
I often find myself envious of those who have a photographic memory. It seems virtually impossible for these individuals to forget anything! It would be wonderful to remember all those things that I study, all those birthdays and other holidays, and even small things like phone numbers, and lists!
Getting Along With Others
First thing one should always be aware of is that people come in different shapes forms and sizes. This includes different personalities and way one perceives things to be in their life. Being aware of these things helps one to be more open minded with dealing with differences in other people. Part
The New Emotional Psychology
During times of trouble, like the recent recession, people begin looking within more than ever. The result is a new emotional psychology that brings us closer to the truth. So what exactly does this new emotional psychology encompass? It shows that people are re-learning the way they are meant to ex
It's time to buy a good survival kit?
During these tough times we really don't want to have to think about spending more money, but this is something that is very important and we all should get some sort of an emergency kit. ...