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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Electronic Cigarettes: Remedy To Quit Smoking

Smokeless cigarettes are also now named the age longevity guardians. They undoubtedly improve one alternative a hazardous tobacco cigarette to a better alternate.

How To Resist Drinking Alcohol Excessively On A Night Out

More often than not, we tend to binge in alcohol whenever we are out drinking with friends. The social pressure from our peers make us drink more than we want to and we end up waking up the next day, totally blacked out, not remember anything and embarrassed about what we did last night. So how do w

Stop Smoking Vaccine

Is this a vaccine that will protect you? Does it immediately stop any desire to have a smoke straight after a dose of the vaccine. Is it a case of having a 'jab' and then forget about the fact that you once smoked?

5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking!

Smoking costs. In the US, a pack of cigarettes can cost from $5 to $10 dollars. Imagine spending that amount everyday, and just smoking it all away! If a person were to stop smoking, he or she could spend the money on more important things for themselves, their friends, or their family.

The Best Stop-Smoking Programs For People Who've Tried Everything

If you've tried and failed to quit smoking multiple times, you know how demoralizing it can be. I used to have the same problem, and after failing 5 or 6 times in a row I began to think that I was incapable of doing it. Let me tell you, this is not good for the self-confidence. And the more tim

It's Never Too Late to Kick the Habit

You're never too young or too old to stop smoking. Quitting by age 30 eliminates 90% of tobacco-related cancer risk -- but quitting even at age 60 still cuts this risk significantly, according to a report in the current issue of the British Medical Journal.

The First Things You Need to Learn Before Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking isn't the easiest thing in the book. Quite frankly, it can at times be difficult, but it doesn't have to be if you arm yourself with the knowledge and preparation for what lies ahead. First, you're going to feel regret. Cigarettes have become, in a strange way, like y

Tips in Buying Steam Cigarettes Online

Of course you can buy steam cigarettes in local supermarkets due to its popularity and also because of the health benefits it provides to smokers like you.

Alcoholic Anonymous

There are many different groups of people that have been part of the alcoholic anonymous organizations.These are organizations that people are going to go for help when they do not want people to know they are going.

Smoking on the Rise in Youth Movies

Onscreen tobacco use increased by 34% per movie last year in movies targeted at children and teens, according to a new study.

The 3 Biggest Reasons Why You Can't Seem to Quit Smoking

OK, I realize there are a thousand reasons why people smoke. I know that some people even say they enjoy it which, as a former smoker myself, I know isn't true, however that's a topic I will get in to at another time... What I believe is at the core of why people still smoke is what we wil

Is Your Teen Participating In Pharm Parties?

What are Pharm Parties? New indications are pointing to a disturbing trend in which teens steal prescription drugs from their parents' medicine cabinets and create 'prescription cocktails' th

How to Cope With Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Learning how to cope with Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms is critical towards your path to be smoke free. Few smokers quit without experiencing nicotine cravings and could be the most challenging.