Early Teen Drug Abuse Signs - 10 Easy Steps to Identify Addictions
Most substance abuser would deny that they are using drugs and they will try to hide their symptoms abuse.
However they're more stronger observant and predicaments that teens are abusing drugs.
Suspicious behaviors, such as making more trips to the garage, basement, restroom, or any isolated areas where substance abuse could take place 2.
Physical appearance and grooming has decreased over time.
More foul languages are being used and vulgar behavior 4.
They started to wear sunglasses and/or long sleeve shirts more frequently 5.
Things are starting to vanish in the house, and frequently asking to borrow more money 6.
They start to feel more tired and depressed 7.
Secretly hanging out with new type of friends then spending time with family 8.
They feel bored or jittery when spending time with family for long periods of time 9.
Starting to miss school or problems with employment.
More mood swings occur and uncontrollable.
But why does my teen use drugs? There are many types of reasons why a person will use drugs.
For instance they want to fit into a social group.
Peer Pressure is always hard to deal with at adolescence.
Or on the other hand, maybe your teen is a thrill seeker and they will try it out of curiosity.
But majority of drug users deal with unpleasant or painful memories.
This is where the true addiction occurs since unfortunately this will make your teen feel better time being.
Eventually if it becomes long term it will cause many problems and lead to the individuals down fall.
However they're more stronger observant and predicaments that teens are abusing drugs.
Suspicious behaviors, such as making more trips to the garage, basement, restroom, or any isolated areas where substance abuse could take place 2.
Physical appearance and grooming has decreased over time.
More foul languages are being used and vulgar behavior 4.
They started to wear sunglasses and/or long sleeve shirts more frequently 5.
Things are starting to vanish in the house, and frequently asking to borrow more money 6.
They start to feel more tired and depressed 7.
Secretly hanging out with new type of friends then spending time with family 8.
They feel bored or jittery when spending time with family for long periods of time 9.
Starting to miss school or problems with employment.
More mood swings occur and uncontrollable.
But why does my teen use drugs? There are many types of reasons why a person will use drugs.
For instance they want to fit into a social group.
Peer Pressure is always hard to deal with at adolescence.
Or on the other hand, maybe your teen is a thrill seeker and they will try it out of curiosity.
But majority of drug users deal with unpleasant or painful memories.
This is where the true addiction occurs since unfortunately this will make your teen feel better time being.
Eventually if it becomes long term it will cause many problems and lead to the individuals down fall.