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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Quit Smoking Patches Are A Con!

It is my firm belief that quit smoking patches sold by major pharmaceutical companies are a complete con. Not only is there conflicting evidence about quit smoking patch effectiveness, but (being a cynic) I think they are marketed to simply raise cash for the shareholders of the pharmaceutical compa

Become A Nonsmoker After Reading These Tips!

The potential for failure and lack of willpower are very common reasons that people give up on the idea of quitting smoking. The advice in the following article can be the beginning of the end ...

How to Quit and Stop Smoking Weed Completely

How to quit smoking completely and be back with normal and healthy life? If you are going to try to stop smoking weed, and want to reach the goal, you should check the following guidelines ...

How to Quit Smoking: Is It All in the Mind?

How to Quit Smoking []: Is It All in the Mind? Feeling powerless over an addiction, no matter its nature, can be a depressing and discouraging reality. When it comes to smoking cigarettes, many people ...

How You Can Find the Best Way to Quit Smoking

So many people are looking for the best way to quit smoking. It it so elusive, but you can find it. Keep reading to find your best way to quit smoking... you can do it!

How To Quit Smoking By Understanding Your Addiction

What if, unknown to you, somebody, somehow, put nicotine into your blood stream? Would you really have any way of knowing it was there? And, even more important, would you then lose your desire to smoke? So it's not just the nicotine that we are addicted to as smokers – you also need to l

Effective Methods on How to Stop Smoking Marijuana

If you feel like you have reached a point in your life where you need to make a change and want to stop smoking marijuana, then you will need to be prepared. This means learning as much as you can about some of the different methods you can use to quit. This article will give you practical informati

Pharmacotherapy + Behavioral Therapy = Save Your Life

There is absolutely no doubt that smoking kills. My favorite metaphor: if a cigarette blew up in a person's face when lit - it would obviously be banned as a dangerous weapon. However, it does not, its death and destruction is much more insidious & drawn out over time, through its first, second


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of marijuana including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

A Brief History of Heroin in America

A brief outlook on the introduction of heroin into America. Heroinewas first introduced to America in the late 1800's. It wasn't long before America was overwhelmed with users of opiate derivatives.

Heroin Addiction Dubai - Rehab in UK Available For a Change of Life

Heroin abuse in Dubai is skyrocketing as fast as the city is growing. Rehab for Dubai heroin users is not expanding at this same rate. As a result Dubai residents can look to better and more effective alternatives to heroin treatment in the UK. Effective heroin treatment would get drug abusers off d