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Mental Health : Health & Medical

How to Cope With Depressed People

Depression strikes a wide range of people --- they may be your classmates, your co-workers, your friends and even your family. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that approximately 19 million American adults suffer from a depressive disorder in any given year. Those who suffer with depr

Many Social Phobia Treatment Options Are Now Available Today

Social phobia is a recurrent and chronic fear or dread of any social setting where one is subject to observation and possible judgment by others. The social phobic person may feel that any behavior or actions undertaken on their part will lead to embarrassment or negative opinions by the other peopl

How to Feel Good With the Law of Attraction

Feeling good is the most important thing that you can do for your self. By feeling good you attract the same vibration back to you so all the things that are good to you. Therefore creating the life you want.

Making A Better You: Steps You Must Take

You're in the correct place if you're concerned about you can grow personally. Remember that positive thinking and education are the way to personal development. This article provides you with some things you can use ...

Signs & Symptoms of Cyclical Depression

According to Mental Help, major depression may occur in a cyclical pattern throughout a person's life though "recurrent" is the term more appropriate to this condition. Major depression, which is also called major depressive disorder, clinical depression, and unipolar depression, refers...

Supporting a Bipolar Family Member

Supporting and coping with a bipolar family member can be a challenge for a spouse as well as other relatives. You may need your own support network to help you to stay healthy and happy in your own life.

Panic Attacks Are More Common Than People Realise

In my counselling practice I see many clients who are suffering anxiety attacks. A certain amount of stress can be part of everyday life. We all have times where we worry about some perceived stressful event, such as speaking in public or an upcoming job interview.

Back to Basics

I'm sure like you, you're feeling the uncertainty of the times we are living in. It seems life has gotten too complicated. People are struggling, unhappy, moving at lighting speed and experiencing more ill-health than ever before.

Psychological Effects of Online Dating

Dating sites allow singles to chose from hundreds of potential mates.B2M Productions/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesOnline dating and social networking is a billion-dollar business. Many people are turning online to find love, romance and connections. The field is relatively new, and...

Models For Stress Management

Stress management is a coping technique to deal with the stresses of daily life. Most stress management methods intend to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress. For many people they are unable to deal with stress and ignore it, bottle it up, or don't deal with it a

Panic Attack Medication - A Vital Tip You Must Use

If you've been taking panic attack medication for any length of time, you know how difficult it can be to stop. Within days you'll be experiencing the dreaded withdrawal symptoms, and in many cases, your anxiety will temporarily return in massive amounts, making you far more likely to need

EFT Tapping to Help With Stress

In today's typical modern fast paced lifestyle, the amount of stress people experience can wreak havoc on the body, especially when it is placed under too much stress for too long a period. Many people feel they need help with stress levels that have got out of hand. Tension increases and if it

Fatigue, Stress & Concentration Factors

The causes leading to fatigue, stress and poor concentration are interlinked. There can be a vicious circle in which stress causes fatigue and lack of concentration. This, in turn, increases stress, making it harder to resolve the underlying issues. Suffering from ill health can also bring about the

An Effective 9 Minute Phobia Cure

People suffering anxieties, panic attacks and other issues are always looking for help. One of the tools out there is a set of techniques called a 9 minute phobia cure.

Foods That Help With Anxiety

Many people suffer from anxiety, which has symptoms such as irritability, worry, tension, feeling unstable, restlessness and an inability to deal with certain situations. While some may need medications or therapy to deal with anxiety, symptoms may be reduced based on the foods eaten. According to t

Delray Beach Halfway Houses Help Addicts Stay Sober

Living at Delray Beach halfway houses during the beginning of recovery helps many addicts stay sober and productive. Delray Beach Halfway Houses Make Recovery Easier There is nothing easy about recovering from drug or alcohol ...