Top Ten Tips For Your Digestive Health

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Mental Health : Health & Medical

How to Naturally Get Better Sleep

Everyone needs a good night's sleep. Some need more than others, but we all want quality sleep. Here are some quick and easy steps to getting better sleep.

Bee Sting?Invite Bee Balm to Soothe It

While we are out and about in the summertime, we share our space with a lot of flying creatures.If you get stung by a bee, try this tip.

Why Does My Child Have ADD?

Where to go to get help to find out if your child has ADD. Solutions to help your child's ADD. Did you cause your child to have ADD?

Definition of Nonverbal Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that primarily affects social, language and learning abilities. It is considered a "spectrum" disorder, because the symptoms and severity range from very mild to very severe.

Teenage Mental Health Issues

In some ways, the teen years can be the best time of life, but they can also bring hardship. It takes being one in order to know what it is like. You may experience different circumstances such as bei

How To Cure Panic Attacks

There are many forms of panic attacks. Some only last a few moments, while others may last for days before they pass. Symptoms of panic attacks range from mild discomfort to almost unbearable anxiety. Other signs of panic attacks may include shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling, sweating and ch

Diagnostic Procedures for Depression

Everyone gets to experience an emotional low once in a while. It is a fleeting emotion that one has to deal with as an inevitable part of life. However, if it stays long enough that ...

Herbal Treatment for Insomnia

Insomnia is defined as a medical condition in which you cannot sleep, despite being in a time and place where you should be able to sleep. Prolonged insomnia can lead to fatigue, loss of concentration and poor performance in daily life. While there are a number of prescription and over-the-counter m

Panic Attacks- Know How to Control Panic Attacks?

Stop denying that you panic. This is the first and most important step to overcome the problem. When you deny the problem, you are making it difficult to find a solution. When you accept it, the problem is put outside you.

Mighty Twelve To The Rescue

Meridians, or energy channel, correspond to one of the twelve organs in the human body, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine; each are affiliated to one of the five elements, and assuming said characteristics. Organs are either Yin or Yang, with corresponding Yin to Yang ratios and vice versa.

Top Ten Tips For Your Digestive Health

A succinct article with 10 important tips to help you regain or maintain your digestive health.Remember, your digestion starts in the mouth (so that's where the tips start) and ends in the small intestine.The final step, though, still considered 'digestion', is the passing of the feca

Delray Beach Halfway Houses Help Addicts Stay Sober

Living at Delray Beach halfway houses during the beginning of recovery helps many addicts stay sober and productive. Delray Beach Halfway Houses Make Recovery Easier There is nothing easy about recovering from drug or alcohol ...

Foods That Help With Anxiety

Many people suffer from anxiety, which has symptoms such as irritability, worry, tension, feeling unstable, restlessness and an inability to deal with certain situations. While some may need medications or therapy to deal with anxiety, symptoms may be reduced based on the foods eaten. According to t

An Effective 9 Minute Phobia Cure

People suffering anxieties, panic attacks and other issues are always looking for help. One of the tools out there is a set of techniques called a 9 minute phobia cure.