Panic Attacks- Know How to Control Panic Attacks?
Do not give it undue importance.
These attacks can be overcome using many different techniques and methods.
Some of them include: Face The Problem Stop denying that you panic.
This is the first and most important step to overcome the problem.
When you deny the problem, you are making it difficult to find a solution.
When you accept it, the problem is put outside you.
You are the best friend you could possibly have.
Talk to yourself when you are suffering from a panic attack.
Soothe yourself into calmness.
This is a very effective way of solving the problem.
Look Outside Stop focusing on yourself.
Rather, focus on the situation surrounding you.
Think of yourself only to ensure your safety.
Once you are sure that you are safe, focus on what happened and how you can overcome it.
Be logical about the whole issue.
Any Help? If you think logically, you will come up with this question- 'Do I need help?' Answer this question without any guilt.
If you think you need outside help, you are probably right.
By focusing on the situation, the environment and other factors outside you, you can soothe your fears and calm down without any problems.
Another option is to hold on to something you cherish.
Make it a point to hold on to something precious or calming when you suffer from an attack.
It may be a locket, a photograph of your kids, a trophy that you won or even the image of God.
It can even be a stick or a rock.
The idea is to use these things to compel your sense to feel something other than your panic.
Touching these objects calms your heart beats and makes you feel peaceful.
Indians are of the opinion that focusing hard on something can lead to our anxieties being absorbed by the things around us.
Breathe Deeply! This may sound very cliché but there is no doubt that it works.
A deep breath is the best medicine for a panic attack.
The deep breath relaxes the muscles and slows your heatbeat down to normal.
Deep breaths also help the person prepare for the impending panic attack and focus on preventing it.
Once the person is primed to solve the problem, he or she finds the panic attack receding.
Deep breaths symbolize survival and your mind shall recognize it and your anxiety will recede.