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Parenting : Health & Medical
A quick guide on kid's birthday supplies
Planning for a child's birthday party is undoubtedly a challenge. Children are simple to please, but a lot of them can additionally get readily disappointed.
Top 5 Tips When Buying a Baby Crib
A newborn infant spends most of their time sleeping. That's why picking the finest sleeping bed is what we should plan to have for them.
Dummies, Pacifiers and Crooked Teeth
Sucking a dummy or fingers is thought to be a normal act in young children. However, many parents are unaware of the negative effects of dummies on their child's mouth and teeth. Dentists advise that parents only let their child use a dummy with caution, as the shape of a child's mouth and
The Effects of Cosmetics on Babies' Skin
The perfumed cosmetics are not recommended by dermatologists when it comes to babies. In order to avoid rashes and allergies, you should always choose products which are specially created for them and which don't contain any perfume or other chemical substances. If you rely on the fact that the
How To Discipline A Defiant Child: 6 Easy Tips To Liberate Your Child From ODD
Are you still clueless about how to discipline a defiant child? If you are, then this article has definitely been written for you. Keep in mind that disciplining a child is not only confined to the fo
If Your One Year Old Could Talk What Would They Tell You?
Do you wonder what life is like when you are only one year old? What would a little one tell us about life if they could speak? If we could see the world through their eyes this is what they might say.
Potty Training Boys to Poop - What You Have Been Executing Completely Wrong to Potty Train a Boy
Having trouble potty training your boy to poop? Well, I suggest you take a look at this article, because it will answer all your questions.
Goof-Off Days - One Day of Goofing Off With Your Kids Means a Lifetime of Happy Memories
How about devoting one day to nothing else but goofing off with your kids? It's fun. It's free. And it means a lifetime of happy memories.
Helpful Hints for Decorating a Baby Shower
Among the most close-knit of families and friends, a baby shower is always a joyous occasion. In the words of millions of mothers across the globe, all babies deserve to be celebrated. A baby shower can serve as more than just an overwhelming show of support for the mom-to-be. It also goes a long wa
Parenting a Step-Child - The Wins and Woes
Step-parenting is difficult. The negatives are heard more often than the positives when parenting in a blended family but there are things that can be done to make step-parenting easier. The following are some suggestions to help you with your step-parenting woes.
Does My Baby Already Have a Temper?
Contrary to popular belief, babies start developing very strong instincts and emotions really early. For instance, many mothers have experienced a baby's refusal to drink milk if he is not given any the minute he starts crying of hunger. This is his way of expressing anger at being kept waiting
Why Organic Baby Products Are Important
Did you know that harmful chemicals are being exposed to your child right under your watchful eye? As parents, we often make the mistake of assuming that most of the baby products we buy today are safe for our baby to use. Unfortunately, many of the toys, clothes, and simply, everyday products we us
Acadian & Cajun Genealogy
Researching Acadian ancestry can be quite a challenge, from missing and destroyed records, to the disruption of the Acadian deportation of 1755. Despite these significant challenges, however, researching your Acadian ancestors can be accomplished by beginning with these Acadian records and resources
Dad's Time Tracker
Review of the book Dad's Time Tracker by Lawrence and Annetta Panatera. This book offers a one-stop spot for recording all the information a non-custodial dad needs to keep track of his relationship with his children, his visitation calendar and record, and records of child support paid. A grea
Things To Attempt While Teaching Toddler Organizational Abilities
No matter how impossible it might seem, as a parent, you will have to begin teaching your kid the organizational abilities as early as possible.
5 Things High School Coaches Wish You Understood
High school coaches from around the country weighed in to offer their best tips for parents of a high school athlete.
Secondary Drowning - a Little-Known Big Danger for Kids
Knowing the symptoms of secondary drowning is an important summer safety tip and a good thing to know to protect kids year-round.
The Lighter Side of Parenting
"On these days I catch myself being irritated and snappy with my children. It's on these days that I feel like coming home, flopping down on my bed, pulling the covers over my head and even have the fleeting thought of not wanting to be a mommy for the rest of the day. There, I said it out
5 Ways to Encourage Your Shy Child
How to encourage a shy child to participate and learn to relax and enjoy themselves.
Cute Tied-Up Hairstyles for Teenage Girls
Whether you are looking for a prom hairdo or just a way to change up your style, tied-up hair is a great option. Tied-up hair, often called an updo, is a classic choice for formal events and casual activities alike. Creating your own tied-up style is as simple as building on a few familiar styles, l