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Parenting : Health & Medical

Family Finding In Mexico: Get Started Right With A Complete Name

Every process has a starting point. A family finding search starts with the name of the parent or family member you want to find. When doing family finding for someone in Mexico, the other vital piece of information you must have is the state in Mexico where this person lives or lived. These are the

Reading Programs: Word Families Are An Important Part Of How To Teach Reading

What makes a good reader? How do you teach reading?What skills and strategies are important to aid reading fluency?These questions have haunted the parents of young children for decades but while learning to read is a long, complex process there are many easy and fun techniques parents can use to he

Multiply Your Child's Learning Potential

Your new baby, a tiny bundle that comes into this world programed to learn. Anyone who has watched a child grow, knows that the first year seems almost magical, from a baby unable to do little more than cry at birth, to a walking, babbling, happy little person in such a short time. But did you know

Father's Guide to the Disney Princesses - Tiana

Tiana, Disney's first African-American princess, stars in The Princess and the Frog. Learn about Tiana and how your daughter will want to play when she is pretending to be Princess Tiana.

How to Help Children Ride a Two Wheel Bicycle

Generally, a four to six year old is taking note of what their older siblings and neighbors are doing for fun outdoors. Riding the two wheel bike is definitely one of these activities.

Children Are a Blessing, Remember That

Every parent has heard the Mommy or Daddy chant many times from their children. Sometimes this can cause anger to stir and always you are going to want to lash out. There are better ways to release your anger. It is never a good idea to lash out on a child who is learning every day. The way you trea

How to Plan Indoor Activities for Children

When the weather is nice outside, children love to play outside. It’s good for a child to play outdoors so that they can run around and get some exercise and some fresh air. It is not always possible for kids to play outdoors, and often times you are rushed at the last minute to plan activi

Tips For Parents on Homework Management

Helping with homework is one of the daily tasks that some parents find difficult to do. With the right attitude and a few strategies, guiding children in doing their homework will seem less daunting.

Time Out Meditation For Kids

I never really liked the idea of seating the kids in a chair or room for a period of time as a disciplinary measure. Social ostracism works as punishment, but do we really want our children to learn only about feeling guilty and bad? Wouldn't it be better to focus on the positive?

Using Kids Decorative Pillows in Your Child's Bedroom

There are many ways you can change the look of a child's bedroom without having to fully redecorate and kids decorative pillows are a versatile item with various functions and uses. Your children are never too young to enjoy good design, and with a high quality and extra luxurious kids decorati

Baby Bedroom - Choosing Bedding for Baby's Room

Choosing bedding for a baby’s room is not rocket science. Experts have expressed so many opinions on the subject of creating the proper atmosphere that parents begin to question themselves. Will bright primary colors stimulate ...

Healthy Foods For Babies - Starting Solids

Most parents worry about nutrition and making sure that their child gets good healthy foods into them from the outset. The best food for babies to start with of course is breastmilk and this can remain a source of nutrition and comfort for many years, if a child self-weans.