6 Spring Cleaning Tips for Toys
Since having a child, mainly due to toys, it seems like the items within our home multiplied overnight. Between the impulse buys at the check-out counters and the birthday, holiday and special visit gifts from friends and family, over time I've realized the importance of having a toy organization and donation plan. Toys can very quickly become a source of clutter and disorganization.
Just when children outgrow their large, bulky baby toys, their interests quickly shift to being engrossed in the land of action figures, construction blocks and teeny tiny Barbie shoes. As their interests change, so won't your toy storage solutions.
Multiple times per year, often before birthdays and holidays, I search the shelves looking for toys to donate to make room for the new recruits. During the warmer spring months, I make a concerted effort to discard unsafe toys, donate outgrown or unused toys and clean toys and stuffed animals. Here are some of my favorite spring cleaning tips for toys.
As children pass from one developmental stage to the next it can be hard to decide what to do with their baby toys, first ride-on toys, and prized collections of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and baby dolls. While some sell toys on Craigslist or Ebay, others may plan a yard sale or consider organizing a toy swap. What do you do with those items that don't sell and you don't have the heart to throw them in the trash? This article has additional suggestions where you might find success donating gently used toys and games. More »
Toys can harbor a lot of germs, especially during winter months. No matter whether you prefer sanitizing wipes, spray or old-fashioned soap and water, this article will provide suggestions on disinfecting plastic toys, as well as providing a safe way to wash teddy bears and beloved stuffed animals.More »
Different ages, toy interests and spaces within the home may call for different toy storage options. It's important to determine whether the toys will be stored on open or closed shelving, as well as whether you are looking for portable toy storage solutions like themed Neat-Oh bins or the Lay n' Go Lifestyle backpack. These are some practical suggestions for storing and organizing toys at home or on-the-go.More »
As adults many times we resign ourselves to the fact that we are responsible for the spring cleaning. However, many children like to pitch in and do some housework of their own. Take a peek at the B. Toys Tropicleania set, it's an adorable dust pan and brush set, that my child wasn't able to resist using. The ToyDozer is a great tool to pick up a lot of small pieces quickly.More »
Many toys are not recommended for children under the age of 3, due to the fear that a child might ingest, swallow and choke on a toy that is inappropriately placed in their mouth. Make sure to check the toy packaging for recommended age ranges and keep small items secured safely in bins or on shelves out of immediate reach with young children or siblings. This article discusses additional toy safety tips.More »
While most companies strive to design and manufacture safe toys, there are unforeseen circumstances that arise, resulting in major toy recalls. Before donating toys, check for recent toy recalls through CPSC.gov to learn more about contacting the company for refunds, repair kits or replacement items.More »
Just when children outgrow their large, bulky baby toys, their interests quickly shift to being engrossed in the land of action figures, construction blocks and teeny tiny Barbie shoes. As their interests change, so won't your toy storage solutions.
Multiple times per year, often before birthdays and holidays, I search the shelves looking for toys to donate to make room for the new recruits. During the warmer spring months, I make a concerted effort to discard unsafe toys, donate outgrown or unused toys and clean toys and stuffed animals. Here are some of my favorite spring cleaning tips for toys.
Where to Donate Old Toys and Games?
As children pass from one developmental stage to the next it can be hard to decide what to do with their baby toys, first ride-on toys, and prized collections of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and baby dolls. While some sell toys on Craigslist or Ebay, others may plan a yard sale or consider organizing a toy swap. What do you do with those items that don't sell and you don't have the heart to throw them in the trash? This article has additional suggestions where you might find success donating gently used toys and games. More »
How to Sanitize and Clean Toys
Toys can harbor a lot of germs, especially during winter months. No matter whether you prefer sanitizing wipes, spray or old-fashioned soap and water, this article will provide suggestions on disinfecting plastic toys, as well as providing a safe way to wash teddy bears and beloved stuffed animals.More »
Practical Ways to Store and Organize Toys
Different ages, toy interests and spaces within the home may call for different toy storage options. It's important to determine whether the toys will be stored on open or closed shelving, as well as whether you are looking for portable toy storage solutions like themed Neat-Oh bins or the Lay n' Go Lifestyle backpack. These are some practical suggestions for storing and organizing toys at home or on-the-go.More »
Get Your Child Involved
As adults many times we resign ourselves to the fact that we are responsible for the spring cleaning. However, many children like to pitch in and do some housework of their own. Take a peek at the B. Toys Tropicleania set, it's an adorable dust pan and brush set, that my child wasn't able to resist using. The ToyDozer is a great tool to pick up a lot of small pieces quickly.More »
Toy Safety Tips
Many toys are not recommended for children under the age of 3, due to the fear that a child might ingest, swallow and choke on a toy that is inappropriately placed in their mouth. Make sure to check the toy packaging for recommended age ranges and keep small items secured safely in bins or on shelves out of immediate reach with young children or siblings. This article discusses additional toy safety tips.More »
Toy Recalls
While most companies strive to design and manufacture safe toys, there are unforeseen circumstances that arise, resulting in major toy recalls. Before donating toys, check for recent toy recalls through CPSC.gov to learn more about contacting the company for refunds, repair kits or replacement items.More »