Is ADHD For Life? How To Make Sure That Your Child Will Be Able To Cope
I am not sure of the accurate statistics which reveal the answer to the question 'is ADHD for life?' but I know that many children with attention deficit disorder do actually carry it into adulthood.
Adult ADHD is a difficult problem.
Hyperactive children will have calmed down somewhat after adolescence.
But if they have adult ADHD this may still linger in that they excel in the office at multi tasking.
Multi tasking is looked on favourably in the workplace until a deadline has to be met! There is an ambivalent attitude towards it.
But the real problems arise when concentration, attention span and attention to detail have to be razor sharp to complete projects and so on.
Adult people with ADHD have many obstacles to overcome.
Similarly with social relationships, the fact that they simply wander, forget, are vague can wreak havoc if a partner does not know about or understand ADHD.
Is ADHD for life? How can we help our children to cope with ADHD in childhood so that the risk of carrying it into adulthood is minimal? Basically, unless we give them the coping skills, organizing and social skills, then they will have a hard job in coming to terms with life and school.
This will happen no matter what medication we put them on and the answer to the question,is ADHD forever seems to be yes.
So, helping them to know the difference between good behavior and inappropriate behavior is a great place to start.
For an impulsive child who cannot remember a simple list, very often the difference between the two is not at all clear.
Setting up rewards for good behavior, consequences for bad behavior is really useful.
There are lots of ways you can encourage them to concentrate better and help with homework is essential.
You can get a homework helper if you are too busy.
Helping them with post its, breaking down tasks, having an organized home and room are all ways we can make our homes more ADHD friendly.
It is just a matter of helping the child through the impulsive, hyperactive and distracted phase that will make all the difference.
As regards medication, you may want something to calm them down.
The restlessness and non stop chatter can drive you mad.
But psychostimulants (Vyvanse, Ritalin and Adderall) have so many warnings attached them to them and indeed serious health risks, that it is time to consider homeopathic remedies.
If you really want to give your child the best chance in life, why not make a decision now to learn how homeopathic remedies can be a godsend while you teach him or her to cope with life.
I have prepared a website where you can see that the answer to the question, is ADHD for life, has a very optimistic answer.
Adult ADHD is a difficult problem.
Hyperactive children will have calmed down somewhat after adolescence.
But if they have adult ADHD this may still linger in that they excel in the office at multi tasking.
Multi tasking is looked on favourably in the workplace until a deadline has to be met! There is an ambivalent attitude towards it.
But the real problems arise when concentration, attention span and attention to detail have to be razor sharp to complete projects and so on.
Adult people with ADHD have many obstacles to overcome.
Similarly with social relationships, the fact that they simply wander, forget, are vague can wreak havoc if a partner does not know about or understand ADHD.
Is ADHD for life? How can we help our children to cope with ADHD in childhood so that the risk of carrying it into adulthood is minimal? Basically, unless we give them the coping skills, organizing and social skills, then they will have a hard job in coming to terms with life and school.
This will happen no matter what medication we put them on and the answer to the question,is ADHD forever seems to be yes.
So, helping them to know the difference between good behavior and inappropriate behavior is a great place to start.
For an impulsive child who cannot remember a simple list, very often the difference between the two is not at all clear.
Setting up rewards for good behavior, consequences for bad behavior is really useful.
There are lots of ways you can encourage them to concentrate better and help with homework is essential.
You can get a homework helper if you are too busy.
Helping them with post its, breaking down tasks, having an organized home and room are all ways we can make our homes more ADHD friendly.
It is just a matter of helping the child through the impulsive, hyperactive and distracted phase that will make all the difference.
As regards medication, you may want something to calm them down.
The restlessness and non stop chatter can drive you mad.
But psychostimulants (Vyvanse, Ritalin and Adderall) have so many warnings attached them to them and indeed serious health risks, that it is time to consider homeopathic remedies.
If you really want to give your child the best chance in life, why not make a decision now to learn how homeopathic remedies can be a godsend while you teach him or her to cope with life.
I have prepared a website where you can see that the answer to the question, is ADHD for life, has a very optimistic answer.