How To Discipline A Defiant Child: 6 Easy Tips To Liberate Your Child From ODD
Are you still clueless about how to discipline a defiant child? If you are, then this article has definitely been written for you. Keep in mind that disciplining a child is not only confined to the four corners of your home but extends all the way to his school and outside world. But then, the discipline should be initiated by the parents, of course. For this, it becomes even more important to get hold of the most effective ways by which you can discipline your child without getting defiant reactions. Find below some hints that may be useful when you discipline your defiant child:
Do Not Major In Minor Things: Stop focusing on the small and trivial things. More often than not, parents end up fighting with their children for tackling even the most unimportant things in their lives. In short, focus only on the more important ones. This will help you have a more harmonious relationship with your child. You will find that finding out about how to discipline a defiant child is not that difficult after all.
Don't Fight Every Battle: Resist the urge of fighting every battle he will stage against you. That is not the way to be a good and effective parent to your children especially if they are diagnosed with ODD. All you will need to do is communicate and discuss with him why you feel sad about his defiance and that you are there to love and support him all the way. This will surely motivate your child to be better in everything each day of his life.
Teach Him About Self-Discipline: Keep in mind that children show defiance and opposition when they cannot get what they want and they cannot communicate such frustrations and negative emotions. Also, they demonstrate opposition when they want to show authority to their parents but are fearful to do so. What you can do is emphasize to him that you are giving him the privilege or authority to control or regulate himself.
Self-Regulation: One way of doing this would be to ask him to regulate his shows and watch only those that are good and get rid of those shows that do not bring any value to his life at all. That way, he gets what he wants - that of taking control of his life without him knowing it that you are actually already teaching him about self-discipline.
Offer Him Choices: Another way of teaching your child about self-discipline is by giving him a few choices and letting him decide. This will again, give him a sense of authority and self-assurance that he can take care of himself and that he has the full trust and confidence of his parents.
Accountability: Last of all; make them accountable for their actions. Explain to the child that he is a very smart child and that you believe in him that is why you are giving him accountability for all his actions. This will give him a sense of control which can be a good catalyst to initiate a behavioral change in your child. Follow all these hints and you will surely free your child from the crippling chains of ODD.
Are you frustrated and exhausted from arguing constantly with an oppositional, defiant child? Do you "walk on eggshells" around your child, avoiding conflicts that will "set him off?" Have you tried everything to stop the hostility, anger and aggression and all you get is more of it?
It doesn't have to be like this! In just 5 minutes you could hold the answer of oppositional defiant disorder treatment in your hands...visit
Do Not Major In Minor Things: Stop focusing on the small and trivial things. More often than not, parents end up fighting with their children for tackling even the most unimportant things in their lives. In short, focus only on the more important ones. This will help you have a more harmonious relationship with your child. You will find that finding out about how to discipline a defiant child is not that difficult after all.
Don't Fight Every Battle: Resist the urge of fighting every battle he will stage against you. That is not the way to be a good and effective parent to your children especially if they are diagnosed with ODD. All you will need to do is communicate and discuss with him why you feel sad about his defiance and that you are there to love and support him all the way. This will surely motivate your child to be better in everything each day of his life.
Teach Him About Self-Discipline: Keep in mind that children show defiance and opposition when they cannot get what they want and they cannot communicate such frustrations and negative emotions. Also, they demonstrate opposition when they want to show authority to their parents but are fearful to do so. What you can do is emphasize to him that you are giving him the privilege or authority to control or regulate himself.
Self-Regulation: One way of doing this would be to ask him to regulate his shows and watch only those that are good and get rid of those shows that do not bring any value to his life at all. That way, he gets what he wants - that of taking control of his life without him knowing it that you are actually already teaching him about self-discipline.
Offer Him Choices: Another way of teaching your child about self-discipline is by giving him a few choices and letting him decide. This will again, give him a sense of authority and self-assurance that he can take care of himself and that he has the full trust and confidence of his parents.
Accountability: Last of all; make them accountable for their actions. Explain to the child that he is a very smart child and that you believe in him that is why you are giving him accountability for all his actions. This will give him a sense of control which can be a good catalyst to initiate a behavioral change in your child. Follow all these hints and you will surely free your child from the crippling chains of ODD.
Are you frustrated and exhausted from arguing constantly with an oppositional, defiant child? Do you "walk on eggshells" around your child, avoiding conflicts that will "set him off?" Have you tried everything to stop the hostility, anger and aggression and all you get is more of it?
It doesn't have to be like this! In just 5 minutes you could hold the answer of oppositional defiant disorder treatment in your hands...visit