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Parenting : Health & Medical

10 Ways to Help Your Teen at Home

Do you think you cannot help your teen with homework? Not true. Parents, families, and households can have a huge impact on student learning. Here are tips from a parent and teacher.

Coping With A Newborns Sleep Schedule

A newborn baby in the family means changes for everyone and one of the biggest changes is in sleep, or rather lack thereof.Even if there are other children in the family and they have all gone through these adjustments before, every child is and can be very different. Some babies will sleep through

Are You Parenting From Guilt?

When a couple decides to separate and starts the process of splitting up the children's family home into two separated homes, there is inevitably a sense of guilt. Divorce is an adult problem created between two adults, but as parents watching our children adjust to going to "mom's ho

A Guide to Basic Potty Training or Teaching

Potty training can be dreaded by many parents, especially if it is their first child. Parents should know that it is not to be dreaded but celebrated. It is an exciting milestone that will give ...

4 Ways to Encourage and Nurture Imagination in Your Children

Imagination is as essential to a child's development as logical thinking and math or science skills, perhaps even more important. If you think about it, any time you are faced with a problem, at any stage of your life, it is imagination that helps you to find a solution to that problem. Anyone

How to Diaper a Toddler

Knowing how to entertain a toddler during diaper changing time is the difference between a successful diaper change and a potential disaster. Toddlers are active, so trying to keep one still while you wrestle with a wet or stinky diaper is challenging. Do not fret, however. There are ways to enterta

Top Reasons Why You Should Assign Chores to Your Kids

Kids learn at home. Much of their personalities and attitudes get developed depending on the home environment that they grow up in. This can be done when you give them chores that they can and should

Resources for Single Fathers

Are you the single dad, custodial parent for your children? Whether you find yourself in this situation due to divorce, death or other painful experience, you can find tips and helps to making your role as a single dad more meaningful for your children

How to Coach a Daughter's Sports Team

One of the greatest things that you can do with your daughter is to bond over the shared love of a sport. As she gets older, the two of you may enjoy watching your favorite sports teams together, but younger children tend to enjoy actually participating in the sports that they love. Volunteering to

Choosing A Play Station For Children - It Does Matter

With the advent of technology, children are gradually disregarding the traditional toys that they have at home. They are not fond anymore of playing with toys that their parents buy, such as toy guns, puzzle, balls and many more. They prefer something innovative, the computer games and the PlayStati

Lesbian Family Building

However, one aspect that you gay couples have is the freedom to build a family.Being a partner in a couple, you probably have the same urge as many other couples out there to have kids and start growing your family

Parents Trying to Do It All

Just last week, I was watching my mother-in-law read to my twins as I folded laundry and it reminded me of when I was little. When I was 5, my sister and I would spend a few hours every afternoon at my grandmother's house across the street. This was when my mom, who worked full-time (third shif

20-Minute Home 'Clean-Ups' for Better Family Health

Don’t be daunted by the mountain of clean-up tasks in your home. Try these 20-minute cleanups that make the most of your time -- and tackle areas in your house where germs, dust, and allergens lurk.

Parenting Through Setbacks

As we move into adulthood, some of what we do is a combination of our goals, our effort, and reaction to those unexpected events that hinder us or interrupt us from time to time. How we prepare our children to handle the setbacks in life is as important as how we prepare them to do other things, yet

Five Good Reasons To Stop Sending Your Kids To Daycare

Large daycare centers may seem nice, but there are better options out there for your kids.Here are 5 good reasons why you should stop sending your children to a daycare center and hire an in-home babysitter or nanny for the kids.

Children Need To Feel That They Belong

Misbehaving children are discouraged children who have mistaken ideas on how to achieve their Primary Goal: TO BELONG. Mistaken ideas lead to misbehavior. Address the mistaken belief rather than just the misbehavior.