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Parenting : Health & Medical
Snugli Baby Carrier Instructions
The Snugli Carrier, designed by Evenflo, is a popular baby carrier that will enable you to carry your baby hands-free as you go about your day. The Snugli is easy to use and can carry babies who weigh between 7 and 26 pounds. There are several lines but only three main designs. Most Snugli carriers
Adam and Mohamed
Thanks to Fouad for sending in this picture of Adam and Mohamed for the babies and toddlers photo gallery.
How to Find a Preschool Playgroup
Want to ask someone for advice about your 2-year-old or 3-year-old? Or maybe you wouldn't mind comparing stories about your kid's tantrums or milestones. When the often isolating bubble of still-new motherhood hits, it can be so helpful and comforting to have other mothers to socialize and relieve s
Learning Curve: The Birth of a Selective Eater
When I was pregnant with Amelia, I had big plans for her nutrition. She wasn't going to be one of those kids eating sweet, processed cereal bars for breakfast, or hot dogs and French fries for dinner.Oh, no.She was going to eat only fresh or minimally processed, whole grain, organic foods.She w
Reasoning With Children - Why Being a Reasonable Parent Can Backfire
How many parents today can give an instruction to a child and have it followed out immediately and politely? Children who grow up expecting their parents to explain why they are being asked to do something soon become teens who expect their parents to justify their requests and rules.
Tips for Giving Baby Shower Speeches
Throwing a baby shower is not something that most of us do every day so many are left with lots of questions. What are the roles, games, what theme and exactly what is the hostess ...
How to Teach Refusal Skills for Peer Pressure
Peer pressure happens all the time. It can be non-threatening, such as when your child is urged to dress a certain way or have a certain trendy hairstyle, or it can be dangerous, such as the pressure on him to use drugs or drink alcohol. Kids have a way of making other kids feel bad for not conformi
Plastic Sand Molds for Children
Playing in the sand is not only enjoyable for children, but it can be therapeutic while teaching important math and science skills. Use almost any toy or household item in a sand box, from a wooden spoon to a toy truck. However, making molds out of wet sand will provide hours of enjoyment for your c
Ways to Deal With Child Frustration
Parenting is difficult in the best of situations, and can be particularly stressful when you are dealing with a child that is easily frustrated, whether it is over a task that he is unable to complete or a toy he cannot have. It can be hard for parents to watch their children experience frustration,
Dorm Decor & Rasterized Art
Looking for ways to jazz up those plain dorm walls? This DIY project uses rasterized art - enlarged, pixelated images - to add punch and color.
Baby Boomers Benefit From an Anti-Aging Mindset
Many baby boomers discover that midlife is the perfect time to recharge their lives. Learn about the right mindset with which to create new challenges, develop a positive attitude and enjoy their life.
Back To Basics For Boomers
77.3 Million Baby Boomers must reinvent themselves in the last third of their lives. Ages 45-65 are watching the generation time clock keep on ticking. The thought of bankruptcy for boomers was never a concern, now it's more like a blessing.
Great Expectations Are Not So Great!
When we have very high expectations for our children, they start believing they have to achieve them to make us happy.This article relates the author's experiences with her own high expectations for her son, Ryan.
Valco Twin Stroller - Review of Stroller From Valco For Twin Babies
Are you on lookout for twin baby stroller? Do you need help in deciding how to select a good stroller? Do you want to know what all features should be present in stroller for your twins? Then this article is for you.
How to Send a Birth Announcement in Style
Sending a birth announcement is a traditional way to celebrate the coming of a child. Knowing when to send them and what to include will simplify the process of creating and mailing your announcements.
Teaching Children Patience
Patience is a state of calm, confident acceptance of the time something, or someone, takes. Parents of infants often feel impatient to see their child's development, to satisfy their curiosity about the personality their child will demonstrate.
Grab the Grandkids and Hit the Beach
Family beach vacations are memorable, especially when the grandkids are on board. Learn how to keep everyone safe at the beach and have an affordable vacation, too.
Get Good Grammar Going in Your Family
Parents can (and should) guide their children to learn the correct way to speak. This article reveals some grammar issues parents should be aware of as they help their children develop strong language skills. Unfortunately, there are more than these errors that occur frequently in basic, everyday Am
Does Your Baby Cry Too Much?
Does your baby cry more than others? Do you wonder if something is wrong?
Why Girls Bully and How to Stop Them
Researchers are gaining more and more insights into what drives girl bullies -- and why they so desperately need help.