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Parenting : Health & Medical
What Are the Duties of a Son to His Mother?
Men can have complicated relationships with their mothers. Some men don't like to admit that they have close relationships with their mothers at all because it can make them seem weak. However, men with strong bonds to their mothers may more readily fulfill their duties as sons. Now, that can certai
How to Deal With Child Lying About Their Grades
No matter how great of a relationship you have with your child, there will probably come a day when she lies to you about her grades. Whether the lie is told out of fear of disappointing you or her desire to avoid punishment, she needs to be taught that lying is wrong. Most importantly, explain to h
The Most Popular Baby Names
Picking a name for your new baby can be one of the hardest decisions that you have to make. While many people stick with family names, others prefer less traditional ones.
New York Sales Tax Exemptions
New York is now sales tax free all year. Certain limits apply in New York City for tax exempt clothing and footwear.
Christmas Babies
Christmas babies are a controversial subject matter. Some parents love the idea of celebrating the birth of their child in the festive period, whilst others feel like Christmas would take the limelight from their child's future birthday celebrations. With so many mixed views it's important
I Will Never Ask For Help Again
From a postcard sent to When I told my Mother that I needed HELP, she laughed at me and told me to stop being such a "drama queen". I will never ask for help again.
Case Management Defined
The definition of the term Case Management to help parents of teens understand our teen mental health articles and resources.
Habits of Highly Effective Parenting - Fourth Habit
Habits of highly effective parenting is a helpful parenting program for all parents. In this article, I will dwell upon the Fourth habit or rule or guideline that we need to bring into play if we desire to be an effective parent and of course, to ensure that our child grows up into a healthy and res
Personalised childrens books now available from the makers of personalised book
As human beings, we love things that are personalised for us. And when it comes to children, their joy abounds when they receive personalised childrens books as gifts. There are some great personalise
What Are Diaper Cakes and Why Would I Want to Give Them?
Diaper cakes are not for eating.In fact there isn't anything edible about them at all.They are the latest trend in gift giving for a new mom.They are a unique way to give a practical gift while at the same time making them look attractive and fun.
Parents Demand Dumbed-down Tests:An Unintended Bad Consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act
The "No Child Left Behind Act" (NCLB) has created an unintended bad side-effect --- Parents are now insisting they want their kids to take dumbed-down tests, not the newer, more difficult tests the NCLB mandates.
How to Ensure Your Child Feels Loved - Part 3 - Through Focused Attention
In Part 1 and 2 of this article series, I spoke about eye contact and physical contact being important to making your children truly understand and know that you love them. These two things seldom require real sacrifice by parents, however, the third item, focused attention, usually scares parents w
Benefits for Parents & Expectant Mothers
As a working or non working parent, it can be extremely difficult to understand what benefits you are entitled to. Here is a list of some of the benefits that could be available to you along with deta
Why We Should Raise An Eco-Baby
Most parents are concerned about the safety of the items that they buy for their babies. However, only a few parents are concerned about the impact of baby supplies to the environment. Only a few take more time cautiously finding items that are both safe for babies and for the environment. Not many
Tips for Choosing the Right Baby Burp Cloths
When babies eat, they swallow small amounts of air with their food. Adults do the same thing, but their fully developed digestive system makes it easy to release the air as a burp. Not so for babies.
Best Licensed Christian Military Camps For Disobedient Kids
There are various Christian boarding academies available for unmotivated youths. Christian military camps for troubled juveniles are best option for disobedient teens. The main motive of these boot camping programs is to provide best amenities to adolescents.
Your Baby's Skin and the Sun
Your baby's skin is very thin, fragile and not so fat. The skin produces melanin, a substance which helps with sunburns, but they are also very sensitive to the bacteria and the substances in the environment. Also, it is more difficult for them to maintain the optimum temperature of their body
The Beautiful Baby Moses Basket
A baby Moses basket makes an ideal present for a brand-new baby. Whether it'ses something you're acquiring for a baby shower present, or an unique gift idea for any brand-new moms and dads, these baskets ...
Caring For a Baby - How to Communicate With Your Baby
Communicating with a baby is never easy. You must be patient in teaching him how to communicate. This is to ensure that you will be able to provide his needs. Always remember that your baby depends on you for most of the things that he needs so you must make ways to communicate with him.
20 Creative Easter Basket Ideas for Kids
Looking for Easter basket ideas? Consult this growing list of what you can put in an Easter basket for kids besides candy.