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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
What Is Safe To Put On A Cold Sore While Pregnant? - Tips For Treating Cold Sores When Pregnant
Anyone with medical back ground or has been here (pregnant with cold sore) before. I am 22 weeks and have a bad cold sore that is starting to move to my top lip because they are always touching, what
Dermatitis And Scabies Comparisons
Dermatitis and scabies can appear similar but they have different reasons for appearing. Dermatitis or scabies-both itchy skin conditions-have similar characteristics but are caused by different things.
Side Effects Involved with LASIK Eye Surgery
Everyday more and more glasses and contact wearers are opting for LASIK eye surgery. This has been an extremely popular alternative as the downside is minimal. However, this is no doubt a surgery, and should ...
Herpes Type 1 and 2 Content for Your Digestion
Herpes is categorized into two forms namely herpes type 1 and herpes type 2. These diseases are quite similar in origin but different in the way it affects people. Read the remaining article for in de
Kidney Stones – Causes and Symptoms
The kidney acts as a filter for blood, removing waste products from the body and helping regulate the levels of chemicals important for body function. The urine drains from the kidney into the bladder
Organic Homes in Chennai Indoor Air Pollution in Chennai
Indoor Air Pollution refers to the quality of air within and around the home or workplace relates to the health and comfort, arising from sources like fuel combustion for heating or cooking, furnishings and carpeting, ...
Get Rid Hemorrhoids Naturally Fast
There are many treatments for hemorrhoids; some of the most popular treatments are more fiber in your diet, proper hydration, NSAID analgesics, proper bathing and rest. Surgery is rare and only used for severe cases. ...
Top Natural Treatments for Leaky Gut Syndrome: Curing Leaky Gut Fast at Home
The condition of Leaky gut syndrome is encircled by a scarcity of understanding. The gastrointestinal disorder could be characterized by particular symptoms which incorporate cramps in the abdomen, bloatedness, a sensitivity to particular foods and ...
Frequently Asked Questions About Scoliosis
A healthy person's spine is known to grow straight from the back of the neck all the way down to the tailbone. If the curvature of the spine is more like the letters S or ...
I Ejaculate Too Fast, Is There Any Way To Increase Sex Time And Endurance
Premature ejaculation is a common problem that is faced by a lot of men. The reason for the occurrence of the premature ejaculation is a lack of control on the sexual activities that these men ...
Surface Disinfection for Swine Flu
Because flu viruses can survive up to eight hours on hard surfaces, anyone sick with swine flu can infect others by leaving germs behind on faucets, counter tops and other hard surfaces. Proper disinfection can reduce this risk.
Parp Drugs - A New Cancer Inhibitor Soon To Pass Phase Three
An inhibitor cancer drug is a new type of cancer treatment which inhibits (stops) a function that cancer uses to its advantage. One of these is the PARP function. Currently PARP inhibitor clinical tri
Symptoms for Thyroid
Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped little endocrinal gland situated in the forepart of the neck. Healthy thyroid gland makes several important hormones regulating human's body metabolism that is t
Hemorrhagic Cystitis Cures
When you're suffering from hemorrhagic cystitis, your bladder is actually experiencing an inflammation. But this inflammation doesn't only cause a change in the frequency and urgency of urination; it can also trigger painful urination and even bleeding. Infection is by far the most common reason for
The Psychological Effect of an H1N1 Flu Pandemic
What happens when death comes knocking at your door unannounced, uninvited and invisible to see? Back in the Middle Ages the Black Death caused by bad sanitation, unclean water and the culprit the fleas from rats did just that.
Findings on Esophageal Problems With Biphosphonates
One of the serious complications associated with Fosamax has been related to its effects on the upper gastrointestinal tract; particularly the esophagus. Aside from osteonecrosis of the jaw or dead jaw syndrome, esophageal complications are ...
Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth
Candida overgrowth (Candidiasis) is a condition that mainly affects people with a suppressed immune system because the fungus is allowed to grown uncontrolled in the gut. If left untreated the fungus will break through the gut wall into the bloodstream and over time will compromise the endocrine sys
The Legal Effects of Hoarding
Hoarding is a mental issue that involves an unhealthy collection of items. Sometimes the collection is just an overabundance of stuff that overtakes the home, while other times the hoard contains items that are harmful ...
Indiandiabetics confronts you with Diabetes Fallacies
For the average person, ignorance of this disease won't save them from becoming another statistics. Common Myths still circulate, but it's necessary to know the truth so the disease
Affordable Drug Rehab - Making the Price Fit Your Budget
This article is intended to give you information on finding affordable drug rehab. It's never easy admitting that you may need rehab and ever more difficult to afford rehab if you've wasted your money and ...