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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

What are Bedbugs?

Bedbugs are small brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding their bodies swell and are a reddish ...

Can Home Remedies Really Do The Trick?

Going to the doctor is not anybody's concept of enjoyment. There are generally long waits in the waiting room then in the examination room. Nobody truly really wants to handle the expensive co-pays or a ...

Do you know what to do when you have back pain?

Did you wake up one morning with back pain?Did your back 'go out?' Did you pick something up or move in a certain way and have a sharp or shooting pain in your back, hip or leg? If you just answered y

Dunia info kesehatan

Dunia Info Kesehatan adalah tempat untuk berbagai tips kesehatan keluarga untuk menuju kesehatan hidup yang sehat jasmani dan rohani, dunia info kesehatan juga berisi artikel tentang bermacam -macam g

Treating Diseases by Color Diet

A correct and balanced diet is essential during the treatment of diseases through chromotherapy. The patients should take food items with analogous colouring. The various colours contained in different food items are:

Screening Test for Dyslexia in Adults

Discover a comprehensive screening test for dyslexia in adults that you can do even at home. It is not too late to know if you are showing the signs of adult dyslexia.

What Are the Best Options For Hyponatremia Treatment?

Hyponatremia is a life-threatening condition that poses several effects reaching up to the cellular level in the body. It is important to consider the neurologic effects of hyponatremia when hyponatrema treatment modalities are applied. There are several ways to treat this condition to prevent it fr

Causes Of Appendicitis

The causes of appendicitis are thought to relate to some event that leads to the colonization of the appendix either by bugs or some micro organisms. Appendicitis as you may know is the inflammation of the appendix usually by some form of micro organism, which is often cause by some kind of blockage

How to Help Kids With Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid treatment in children is usually more difficult. Unlike adults, children don't know their condition and how to go about it. Getting them to participate in the treatment is the key to their recovery. So, ...

Getting Active for National Arthritis Awareness Month

May is designated as National Arthritis Awareness Month, a public health event which helps spread the word about arthritis symptoms, prevention, and treatment. Arthritis is a common medical condition which affects millions of people here ...

Are Bees the Solution to Canker Sores?

Could there be anything bees can't do? They make honey, they build hives, they pollinate just about everything we eat, they make substances like royal jelly that supposedly has anti-aging properties. Could it be they ...

Surgery for Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux, it is important that you understand that a GERD surgery may prove to be highly beneficial to you. The medical term used by professionals describing this condition is "Gastroesophageal ...

Head Lice - Detection, Symptoms and Treatment

One fearful circumstance that every parent is always worried about nowadays is head lice infestation on their children. Indeed, like all the other parents out there, head lice can't be just r

Herbal Medicines for Raynaud's Disease

Raynaud disease (RAY-noz) is a vascular disorder. Raynaud's is a condition in which the blood supply to the extremities,usually the fingers and toes, but sometimes also the ears and nose, is interrupt