What are Bedbugs?

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Bedbugs are small brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding their bodies swell and are a reddish color.
Bedbugs don't fly but move quickly over floors, ceilings, and walls. Over a lifetime females lay hundreds of eggs which are the size of a speck of dust.
Immature bedbugs called nymphs shed their skins five times before reaching maturity and need a meal of blood before each they shed. Under the right conditions, the bugs develop to maturity in as little as a month and then produce three or more generations per year.
Bedbugs get into your home undetected through clothing, used beds, couches, luggage, and other items. Their flat bodies make it easy for them to fit into tiny spaces. Unlike bees and ants, bedbugs don't have nests, but they like to live in groups. They usually hide in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards so they have easy access to people during the night. They scatter through the bedroom hiding in crevices or protected places. They will spread to any room and be found in chairs or sofas. Having a dirty house or an immaculate house doesn't matter. They can be found in clean hotel rooms as well as filthy ones.
While you sleep, bedbugs pierce the skin and draw blood through an elongated beak. They drink for about three to ten minutes or until full then hide. These bites won't hurt at first, but later they will itch. Bedbugs will bite any area of skin that is exposed. No red spots will appear the way flea bites will. Most people will think the bites came from mosquitoes. The only way to know for sure is to find them and identify them as bedbugs.
Some signs that you might have bedbugs are blood stains on sheets or pillowcases, dark or reddish spots of bedbug excrement on sheets or the mattress, clothes or walls. You may find fecal spots, eggs shells, or shed skins hidden around the mattress or box springs. Also, an odor is given off from the bedbugs scent glands.
Killing bedbugs requires the help of an experienced pest control professional to exterminate the bedbugs.
The main reason the occurrence of bedbugs has increased is due to increased international travel. If you stay in places such as hospitals, hotels, or homeless shelters, places you at risk of bringing bedbugs home. There is no guarantee of a bed bug free place anywhere, so it is best to know what to look for.
Before staying in a hotel, check the free registry of hotels that have complaints against them. When you check in, examine carpet edges, pillowcases, and around beds and chairs. Bedbugs don't go far from food sources. When you pack, take a small mirror, magnifying glass, playing card for a crevice tool, plastic packing tape, cockroach traps, and a hairdryer. Heat kills bedbugs after 30 seconds.
Source- Web MD

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