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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
How to Pass Kidney Stones Quickly - End Your Pain Now With These 3 Tips!
If you have found this article, we can assume that you are looking for a way to pass kidney stones quickly. Assuming that you are an individual suffering from kidney stones, you know first-hand that ...
Diet and Diabetes
There are multiple aspects to the relationship between diet and diabetes. On the one hand, anyone with diabetes will need to take extra care with diet in order to help maintain the proper glucose level. ...
Six Common Questions You Want to Know About Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis, a word we have probably heard before. We may have a member of the family or a friend that have succumbed into the disease, and witnessed their fight against it. But what do we ...
Treatments of Upper Stomach Pain
Sometimes, people see their doctors for stomach pain that they think is caused by an ulcer, but it isn't. Although you may have gnawing upper abdominal pain, diagnostic tests don't reveal an ulcer or
Kidney Pain - What Are Some Possible Causes of This?
Pain in the kidneys can be caused by various underlying medical conditions. This article briefly discusses some of the possibilities.
Using Blood Pressure Machines at Home
I have been very lucky when it comes to health, especially health in pregnancy. I had few problems with my first two children and with the third, the biggest problem I had was very low ...
Natural Treatments For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a symptom wherein you feel chronic pain in certain parts of your body; it is a muscular pain especially around the joints. There can also be centralized pain felt in the spinal chord, brain, neck and shoulders etc. People with fibromyalgia generally complain of pain in the joints but
Are There Any Other Names For Yeast Infection?
There are other names for a yeast infection. Some of these are "thrush", Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Candida yeast overgrowth and even Candida Tropicalis.
If You Have Chronic Disease Or Poor Health Proper Exercise Can Help You
Somehow we think that if you are in poor health or have a persistent illness or condition you should stay away from physical activity. Yet in reality many diseases and sicknesses - along with their symptoms can be controlled through a proper exercise program...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Kids and Teenagers
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with kids and teenagers sees new breakthroughs. Current methods of treating this condition are presented here.
Being an Active Parkinson's Patient Means Watching Your Diet and Exercise
Parkinson's diagnosis is not a cut and dried proposition. No definitive testing exists, only a series of tests ruling out other conditions.
A Complete Guide To Symptoms, Treatment, And Cure Of Bronchitis
There are several types of bronchitis most of which are curable only if they are diagnosed at an early stage.Here are some remedies to choose form to get cured before it gets too late.
Celiac Disease And Other Digestive Disorders
Celiac disease is also known as sprue, nontropical sprue or gluten- sensitive enteropathy. Celiac disease occurs to people who cannot tolerate gluten, a protein substance present in barley, wheat and
Curing Toenail Fungus - 3 Treatments to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Quickly
Did you know that there are three treatments that you can use for curing toenail fungus? Although your nail fungus seems to be hard and very difficult to get rid of, there is a solution to your proble
Overcome Financial Anxiety - Dealing With Financial Fears
Managing financial anxiety is not easy but there is no other way to overcome financial anxiety but to face it. All people have their own financial woes, what sets you apart is how you respond to your
What Is the Diagnosis of Vein Pain in the Left Leg?
A blood clot in the leg and it could form for a variety of reasons. Some form as a result of a long plane or car ride when the leg muscles are not used for an extended period of time. This is why many warn travelers not to stay seated for too...
The Causes of Typhoid
Typhoid is an illness caused by one of two types of Salmonella bacteria. Individuals infected with one of these two strains of bacteria exhibit a number of acute symptoms and can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Although deaths from typhoid have decreased substantially in the last century,
Diseases Commonly Found In a Childrens Hospital
A childrens hospital accommodates kids from 0 of age to 19 years old afflicted with different kinds of diseases. Among those that isregularly received as out-patient are ill-stricken with respiratory syncytial virus (VRS). It is a condition somewhat similar to the seasonal flu.
Corneal diseases
Cornea - a front part of an external fibrous envelope of an eyeball; nonvascular, high-sensitivity, transparent, an optically homogeneous envelope with smooth, a smooth surface. Except for protective and basic function the cornea is the ...
Tropical Disease Dengue Fever Found in Florida
Most Americans have never heard of dengue fever. It's an ugly tropical disease that recently showed up in Key West, Florida. The symptoms include a fever, serious headaches, chills, muscle and joint pain and bloody urine.