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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Cat Scratch Fever Disease

Cat scratch fever, also known as cat scratch disease, is an infection that causes swelling of the lymph nodes. The infection is spread by bacteria in the saliva or under the claws of an infected cat. This disease is only a serious health risk in people with weakened immune systems.

Causes of Digestion Problems

The digestive problems may have an identifiable cause, such as bacterial or viral infection, peptic ulcer, gallbladder, or liver disease. The bacteria Helicobacter pylori is often found in those individuals suffering from duodenal or gastric ulcers.

What is Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis, aside from being the most common type, is just psoriasis. Let me explain. Prior to being called this, it was psoriasis and before this, was thought to be leprosy.

US Heart Disease Statistics

US heart disease statistics are some of the worst (if not the worst) in the world, with over one million reported heart attack and half a million deaths annually. Our diets tend to be a ...

Oral Thrush Problem - Medicine's Resistant Issue

I have a case that I would like to share. This woman is 49 years old and developed asthma 16 years ago. In 1995, she became very ill and was hospitalized with a flare-up. Since then, she has had repeated flares and was given multiple steroid regimes. Last year, she was diagnosed with Secondary Adren

New Diabetes Treatments

People suffering from diabetes need to research for advanced diabetes treatment, for that reason we have reviewed the best informational guides containing latest information about treatment for diabet

What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, is a condition in which a blood clot, or thrombus, forms in one or more of the deep veins of the body, most frequently in the legs. Deep ...

Related Diseases That May Arise From Eczema

Atopic eczema is common and very serious disease which occurs mainly in children of below age 5. Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis can cause various other diseases and infections as well. Most common of these diseases include the Asthma, Hay fever and various skin infections.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Pain – Make The Pain Go Away

How to treat hemorrhoids pain? Anyone who has ever experience an attack of external hemorrhoids would have the answer to this question as a primary concern. The issue on hemorrhoids or piles is one th

Pressure Sore - Prevention and Appropriate Treatment

Pressure sores, as the name suggests, are sores caused by unrelieved pressure. Continuous pressure, in turn, compromises blood flow to that area and causes tissue death or necrosis. In five percent of the cases, pressure sores can not be prevented but in almost all other cases, if adequate precautio

Dental Hygiene Products

To maintain proper dental health you should be able to check out the symptoms at time so that you can the proper treatment. And if late treatment taken then gets sure those bacteria are going to attac

Common Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy complications are common nowadays regardless of how people think otherwise. They can happen to any pregnant mother at any time with no one at fault. Let us check out some common complications that may ...

Symptoms, Causes & Treatments for Numbness in Face

Facial numbness is the loss of voluntary muscle movement in the face. The experience of facial numbness can be very frightening, as a person may not know why he has lost sensation or control in the face. If you suspect a stroke or other serious problem, call 911 immediately.

Early HIV symptom

sore and dry throat - Headache and high fever - Feeling exhausted and ailing in vitality - Pain in the joints, muscles and lower back - Feeling queasy and having a low hankering - Swollen organs (espe

How Is A Psychiatrist Different From A Psychologist?

Unfortunately there are few people who know the difference between the work of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. For many of us the notion of a psychologist covers pretty much everything, but in reality things are rather different, just as psychiatry recruitment and psychology recruitment are compl

Having Fibromyalgia After Hysterectomy Surgery - Their Relationship With Candida

This article is suitable for those suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) after having a hysterectomy, because I will try to show and explain a good case of my friend, Linda. She developed FMS after having a hysterectomy. She believes that there is a connection between fibromyalgia, the endocrine s