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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Early Signs of Stroke- Will This be You?

You're sitting at your kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea and reading the morning newspaper when suddenly, everything changes. The early sings of a stroke...

Allergy - Its Types and Treatment

Allergy is the hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Allergy occurs when the person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. Pollution, dust particles and harmful elements present in the environment causes ...

Psoriasis natural and herbal treatment

The psoriasis, a skin condition that causes skin cells to straightway, resulting in thick, silvery, red, or red patches of our skin. comparisons of different treatment in herose pharma.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Fast

Toenail fungus occurs when a type of fungus infects 1 or more than 1 of your toenails. If you are showering in public areas, wearing shoes without socks or have feet that are prone to sweating, you may get foot fungus at some point in your life. Although some people are more prone to getting foot fu

Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat

Although IVF is a successful fertility treatment, it is never be the first step in infertility treatment. Instead it is reserved for those cases in which other methods like surgery, infertility drugs, and artificial insemination ...

About Abscesses

Abscesses are tender masses that are surrounded by pinkish or reddish colored areas. Abscess centers are full of debris and pus. They are generally painful to the touch and can show up anywhere on the body. They are most commonly found in the armpit, around the vagina, anus, groin, spine base, or ne

Sinusitis and Your Vision

A buildup of mucous in our sinuses can predispose us to infection. One set of sinus cavities, the maxillary sinuses, are located in the cheeks and directly below the orbits where the eyes are. Infecti

Raw Food for Preventing Disease

If you are living in fear of contracting cancer, diabetes, or having a heart attack, you can completely eliminate that fear and virtually any chance of getting seriously sick by switching to a primarily raw food diet. By making food your medicine and truly caring about what goes into your body, you

Fibromyalgia: An Invisible Disability

Fibromyalgia is a condition that defies categorization. It is referred to as a syndrome or condition rather than a disease because the symptoms vary widely. Some medical professionals dispute that it is an illness but as research has begun to pinpoint measurable abnormalities in people with fibromya

Be Aware Of The Symptoms Of Leaky Gut

It is just wise to know the different symptoms of leaky gut. You may be experiencing these symptoms yet unaware that you already have leaky gut syndrome. It is for the fact that in most cases the leaky gut syndrome is left undiagnosed by doctors. Instead the symptoms of leaky gut are associated with

Preparing for knee replacement surgery in India

To have a successful knee replacement surgery, one needs to prepare himself physically and mentally much before the day of the surgery. The article discusses about some of the early preparations one n

How to Stop Itching When When Wearing a Plaster Cast

Plaster casts can be uncomfortable, especially when your skin starts to itch underneath the cast. You may be tempted to poke something sharp down your cast, such as a coat hanger or pencil, to relieve your itch. However, this can create a skin infection, especially if part of the object becomes trap

Gluten Free Fast Food Cheat Sheet

Navigating fast foods choices for gluten free choices can be difficult. The following information will help - a lot!

Signs & Symptoms of Mono (Kissing Disease)

Mononucleosis, called mono for short, is also called the kissing disease because it is spread through saliva. It comes from the Epstein-Barr virus. People who are infected with the virus develop antibodies making them immune from that point on.

How can i identify diabetics?

How can i identify diabetics?U can identify if u have diabetics terribly easily... symptoms are..1) Feeling very thirsty2) Unusual sweating 3) Funny fancy of urinating often4) Tension These r the basi

Most Common Diseases in Children

Children often get a case of the sniffles, an upset stomach, or an occasional rash. Your child may seem to go from being healthy one minute to being miserable the next, thanks to a sudden case of hives or itchy eyes. Knowing what diseases are common among children will help to ensure your child rece

Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy, New Hope!

Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is one of the most common inherited diseases of muscle. There is certainty that some muscles will become weak and waste away throughout life. There is no cure an