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Parenting : Health & Medical

Helping your Aggressive Toddler

It is such a joy for parents to see their once helpless baby learning new skills as they grow to be toddlers. Milestones such as a baby's first word or first step are things that parents look forward

Crying and Illnesses

The first step to calming your crying baby is to rule out illness, says Harvey Karp, MD, author of The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Generations of Parenting and Mixed Signals

Does grandma sometimes get involved in your family business? Do you want sometimes to say- stop- let me handle this problem? Do you have bad feelings between the grandmother and grandchild of the home? If the answer is yes or no to any of these questions, read on.

Too Old to Be a Mom?

More and more women in their 40s and beyond are giving birth -- and facing a host of challenges few mothers are prepared for.

Do I Need a Baby Food Processor?

In recent years, baby food processors have become very popular since more and more parents are concerned with feeding their babies healthy, quality foods. To insure this, many parents are choosing to prepare their baby's ...

Traveling With Kids: Travel Must-haves

When traveling with kids, you should always be prepared for the worst. Bring the necessary items like first-aid, medicines, and cleaning products. As parents, we should always keep them safe and protected from injuries especially germs.

Jigsaw Puzzles - Tools For Raising Children

Jigsaw puzzles played a big part in the way my parents raised me as a kid.We would spend hours putting together puzzles, and I learned as a child some of the great lessons that jigsaw puzzles have to offer.We would choose a few fun puzzles with cartoon characters, but mostly we would select jigsaw p

Step Your Child To The Day Nurseries

Do you belong to the same community which is from the working parents and also having children then you must have sooner or later acknowledged putting your children in a day nursery.

Moms of the 2012 Summer Olympics

Watching the 2012 summer Olympics inspires you before even considering the number of Olympic moms competing. From beach volleyball gold medalist Kerri Walsh Jennings to track superstar Lashinda Demus (both mothers of two children), the summer Olympics moms' profiles can give us all something to

Identifying Child Behavioral Problems and Possible Solutions

More child behavioral problems are found in those families that have an unsatisfactory marriage than in those with a happy marriage, but the behavioral problems from the single-parent families are far worse than in unhappily married families. Children of divorce are more likely to be expelled from s

Is Life An Accident? (Part 2 Of 2)

Is life an accident? Read how some children responded and what the Bible teaches us about God's purpose in creating us. Children's answers are fun, sometimes quirky and often insightful. Because this article features children's answers, it's perfect for reading with or to childre

Your Baby's Ability to Grasp Items

When your baby learns to grasp and hold items, he can develop many subsequent skills from there. It also the first step of your child learning to be independent in eating, reading, writing etc.

Britax Decathlon Car Seat Review

One item we can't go without for safety reasons and because it's against the law is a car seat. Baby seats make sure our little one is always safe when riding with us. Although, with so many it may be hard to find a place to start.

Temper Tantrums 3 Years

Most all parents will see temper tantrums in their three year old from time to time. Whether you have a boy or girl does not seem to play a role in the number of temper tantrums one might expect in th