Beyond Flash Card : How To Do TheInfant Visual Stimulation In Fun And Creative Ways
Babies learn about the environment surrounding them through five senses: vision, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting.
Of those five senses, vision is the least developed sense a baby has at birth.
Therefore, it is important for parents to help their babies to 'perfect' their vision during the first few months of their baby's life.
Babies who do not receive adequatevisual stimulation may never get good vision.
Or they may develop it slowly.
In contrast, babies who are stimulated develop good vision faster.
Having a good vision early is important since this willput the baby in a competitive edge.
Why ? Because vision provides the baseline of other area of development.
It enhances curiosity, attentiveness, concentration and most importantly, cements bonding between parents and the baby.
So, what can a parent do to help perfect their baby's vision? Parents can accelerate and optimize the development of their babies' vision by providing a variety of visual input.
When a baby receives visual stimulation, the vision-related nerve cells , which initially are not well connected, start to form a lot of connection with other nerve cells.
This will finally make thebaby's eyes to thrive, enabling the baby to see better.
Newborn baby.
First, let's see what the research says.
Research has found that newborn's eyes register contrasting color such as white, black and red the best.
So the best way to stimulate your baby's eyes is by exposing your baby to as muchdark and light as possible.
Try these following activities:
Therefore, try to stay within that boundary when you interact with your baby.
Beyond newborn.
Around 2 months,your baby will be able to move from highly contrasting colors to bright bold colors.
Your baby will also enjoy faces and is ready to see amoving object in addition to the stationary one.
Here are some activities to try:
These following exercises will assist your baby to develop concentration and enhance the curiousity .
Of those five senses, vision is the least developed sense a baby has at birth.
Therefore, it is important for parents to help their babies to 'perfect' their vision during the first few months of their baby's life.
Babies who do not receive adequatevisual stimulation may never get good vision.
Or they may develop it slowly.
In contrast, babies who are stimulated develop good vision faster.
Having a good vision early is important since this willput the baby in a competitive edge.
Why ? Because vision provides the baseline of other area of development.
It enhances curiosity, attentiveness, concentration and most importantly, cements bonding between parents and the baby.
So, what can a parent do to help perfect their baby's vision? Parents can accelerate and optimize the development of their babies' vision by providing a variety of visual input.
When a baby receives visual stimulation, the vision-related nerve cells , which initially are not well connected, start to form a lot of connection with other nerve cells.
This will finally make thebaby's eyes to thrive, enabling the baby to see better.
Newborn baby.
First, let's see what the research says.
Research has found that newborn's eyes register contrasting color such as white, black and red the best.
So the best way to stimulate your baby's eyes is by exposing your baby to as muchdark and light as possible.
Try these following activities:
- Showyour baby light and dark contrasting toys including the ones attached to the baby mobiles, wrist rattles and other educational baby toys.
- Show bookswith pictures which have contrasting colors.
- And if you don't mindto go a bit overboard, surround your baby with objects which have contrasting colors.
These mayinclude: bedding, play area and even yourself.
Yes, you can actually wear shirts withstripes when tending your baby.
Therefore, try to stay within that boundary when you interact with your baby.
Beyond newborn.
Around 2 months,your baby will be able to move from highly contrasting colors to bright bold colors.
Your baby will also enjoy faces and is ready to see amoving object in addition to the stationary one.
Here are some activities to try:
- Activity with the play gym or baby mobiles: place your baby on her back and put the play gym or baby mobile on her.
Move the toys like apendulum.
- Activity with rattle or other objects: move the baby rattle from left to right, or up and down.
- Mirror: show your baby her face.
Enhance this activity by pointing her facial features and talk about them.
These following exercises will assist your baby to develop concentration and enhance the curiousity .
- Play the peekaboo with your baby.
- Play with a yo yo and encourage your baby to see the yo yo movement.
- Dribble or throwa ball.
Encourage your baby to follow the ball's movement.
. - Follow-a-spool activity:roll a spool of thread towards your baby and then move it to the opposite direction (i.
farther from her).
Let your baby's eyes follow the movement.
- Put a little ball or marbleinside a big bowl.
Tilt the bowl and move it around, so that the ball moves around the bowl.
Show this to your baby and let your baby's eyes follow the movement.
- Play a simple hide and seek game with your baby.