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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Genital Wart Treatment: The Truth Is Out There

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and usually appear anywhere on the skin in the genital area. They are both a depressing and troubling problem for men and women. This article ...

A Short Look Into The Negative Impact Of Obesity

It is rather common understanding that obesity is a dangerous condition for your overall health. The annual cost is quite a few tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the associated problems ...

Foods to Prevent and Treat Common cold

Common cold is a condition of viral infection of the upper respiratory system of that lead to symptoms of runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache, etc.

Epilepsy; Diagnosis And Treatment

Epilepsy is a very common problem suffered by brain-injured children. It is very distressing to watch and can be debilitating for the child. It is also exceptionally varied, ranging from a few unnatur

Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are a very common occurrence in women of childbearing age and even pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. Most are actually benign and not cancerous, but do lead to certain discomforts. These can include long ...

Think How Clinical Depression Affects the World

The most commonly known types of clinical depression are, the major depression, Dysthymia depression and the manic depression. In the major clinical depression, a combination of several clinical depre

Common Types of Health Disease

Before knowing about the common types of health diseases, we must know about disease. Disease' has been defined in many ways but the most commonly accepted one is that 'disease is a condition

What Causes Bad Breath In Humans Today

Many individuals wake up with very bad smelling breath in the morning and do not have a clue what the cause is or what makes it worse. I will go over what I have learned ...

You Need to Know About Horseshoe Kidney

Horseshoe kidney is a congenital disorder, distressing roughly 1 in 400 people, in which a person's two kidneys fuse jointly to develop a horseshoe-shape throughout progress in the womb.A horseshoe kidney is notable due to its atypical location, its unusual orientation, its abnormal blood suppl

A Quick Look Into The Damaging Impact Of Obesity

It is rather common understanding that being obese is a dangerous state for your general health. The costs to society in the US is shocking and draws near several hundred billion dollars yearly. You can ...

Colic Remedies for Babies

Since colic in babies is considered as normal, mothers are well advised to know about colic remedies that they can apply in case their babies would have its attack.

Treat Fibromyalgia Pain with All Natural Pain Relief Spray

An all-natural pain relief spray can help reduce or even eliminate the pain associated with fibromyalgia. As recently as ten years ago, fibromyalgia was a phantom disease. Few doctors believed it even existed. Those suffering ...

All there is in Diabetes Complications

Everyone needs to know about diabetes complications since you might be infected or affected. When not infected, you need to know how to prevent it from happening. There is a lot of information to learn ...

3 Sinusitis Herbs to Help Relieve Your Symptoms and Breathe Easier

White horehound is perfectly risk-free for young children and can be used in almost just about every mode. Additionally, horehound has a very good flavor and could be put together with the aforesaid fenugreek. If particularly large amounts of the herb are swallowed, it might work as a type of laxati