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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Causes and Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy
Neuropathy is a painful disease that affects the nervous system and its ability to sense movement and pressure to the area that sustained the nerve damage. Neuropathy can cause multiple and painful symptoms. Neuropathy symptoms Neuropathy is a result of nerve damage somewhere in the body so in orde
Blastomycosis-Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Blastomycosis
This article gives information about blastomycosis, its causes, symptoms and various treatment options available. Also there are many prevention tips given so as to prevent the disease from occurring.
6 Sure Signs of Candida Overgrowth Symptoms
Candida albicans is a friendly yeast or bacteria present in all humans. It plays a vital role in the digestion of food and coexists in a happy balance with lots of other friendly yeasts and bacteria in the human body. In healthy people the presence of Candida usually does not cause any problems and
Hyperthermia Risk Factors
Heat-related illnesses, of which hyperthermia is the most severe, can be prevented. If a heat-related illness strikes you, it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms so that you can begin to treat the illness. Heat stroke (hyperthermia) is a life-threatening condition.
Cold Sore Baby
Cold Sores are a very contagious viral infection caused by the Herpes Virus. Many people acquire the virus at a young age, when they are babies. It can be very painful and difficult when small children or babies have a cold sore outbreak.
Hi-Tech Methods Make Surgeries at Ease
The well being of an individual is the chief aspect that the clinic focuses on. Avail the surgery by the experts in the field and restore the confidence in yourself.
Soda Linked to Kidney Risk
That's right soda lovers - a U.S. study appearing in a recent PLoS ONE journal has found that women who drink two (or more) full calorie sodas a day are almost twice as likely to increase their kidney risk. There's no increased risk of kidney disease for men (go figure), or thankfully for
What to Expect in a Knee Replacement Surgery?
We all wish to have everything for ourselves and we all feel that we are entitled to have everything in life. Sometimes it it's unbelievable as to how much we all want for ourselves. May ...
Sounds of Tinnitus - And How to Stop Them
The sound of tinnitus may leave you wondering whether or not you actually have tinnitus to begin with. The sounds can range from 7 or more distinct sounds to any combination of all of them. In this article I will discuss those sounds so that you can make a good judgment on to know if you have tinnit
Choosing a Hand Surgeon: Some Tips
Disfigured hands. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Injuries. These and many more are just some of the reasons why somebody would need help from a Hand Surgeon. Obviously, this type of doctor is somebody who focuses on ...
Different Sciatica Pain Relief and Treatment Methods
When treating sciatic pain, it is not enough that you obtain short-term sciatic pain relief. It will be much better if you can also treat the condition that is causing the sciatic pain. Thus it is imp
Snake Venom May Stop Arthritis Pain
The next time you see a snake, don't kill it or drive it away. That slithering serpent may save you from the pain of arthritis.
How to Avoid Foods That Make Metabolic Syndrome Worse
Metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms that, when they appear together, show an increased risk of coronary artery disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. The most obvious symptom is obesity, especially around the midsection. This symptom, combined with high blood pressure, high levels of blood fat (
Can Women be Saved From Postpartum Depression?
Among the types of postpartum depressions, postpartum psychosis is believed to be the most serious one to ever exist. However, this condition rarely occurs in women and usually takes place within thre
Scalp Psoriasis, Scalp Eczema, Ringworm and Fungi Diseases - Why you Must address them ASAP
When it comes to understanding diseases of the scalp, a number of possibilities exist. Some of these diseases, or infections, are common and some are rare. But different scalp diseases will produce di
Exercise For Back Pain
Managing back pain is not as difficult as you think it is, as long as you take action for it the soonest time possible. Treating back pain would usually depend on the degree of pain ...
What Are the Common Liver Failure Symptoms?
The liver is the most worked organ inside our body. In this article we will look at the common liver failure symptoms.
Something You Should Know About Managing Diabetes
Health is related deeply to life style. Health inspires and encourages individuals to achieve their highest potential. Health is one of the major concerns among all of us. Our quality of life depends on our ...
Protect Your Coronary Arteries from Disease
Some of the most delicious €foods€ are junk foods. There is something about having some Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos with a nice cold beverage€¦it's a flavor-fest! After a short time though, you start to realize ...
Causes of Fecal Incontinence
There are many causes of bowel or fecal incontinence. The condition occurs when something is wrong within the complex mechanisms of the body that maintain continence. Common causes of fecal incontinence include diarrhea, pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle and nerve damage, loss of storage capacity and