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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Parkinson's Dementia: Symptoms and Medications Available For Treating This Disease
Parkinson's dementia is one of the symptoms that are found in those who suffer with Parkinson's disease. It is a condition that affects the brain and physical movement. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease are numerous, some can be dealt with accordingly whilst others have no know prev
Women more prone to heart attacks – says research
Recent researches say that cardiovascular disease is increasing in women. Although many people think of heart disease is a man's problem but women can and do get heart disease. The most commo
9 Home Remedies To Beat Bad Breath
Many conditions, such as postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, uncontrolled diabetes, respiratory tract infection, liver or kidney disease, and digestive disorders such as acid reflux can cause bad breath. Tired of having breath that could knock ...
On Stress and Stress-Related Diseases
Stress is, unfortunately, a reality of everyday life nowadays. Stress can result from pressure in your job, your relationships, your financial concerns, and other facts of life. You can be stressed even from simple matters ...
High Cholesterol and the Alzheimer's Disease Connection
Recently completed studies of individuals over a 40 year period have shown that high cholesterol levels in middle age increase your chance of getting Alzheimer's disease as you get older. Even a slight elevation in total cholesterol makes the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's higher.
Super Beta Prostate Reviews
Nowadays, the number of men seeking treatment for enlarged prostate is increasing. Prostate problems are the highest ranking problems in men as they come to old age. What are the symptoms of prostate
Sweating Low Blood Pressure - Metallic Body Odor - Stop Sweating Windows
Sweating Low Blood Pressure Metallic Body Odor Stop Sweating Windows
How to Achieve Sinusitis Relief is Simple and Clear
This will again enable your breathing to be easier which will mean that the patient is not forced to breathe with difficulties. Two main things are achieved when you do this. One of them is that the p
Secrets of How to Tackle a Colitis Flare Up
When the inevitable colitis flare up does happen it can be a very distressing period of time. It has the capacity to alter all of the normal daily routines of the sufferer's life and therefore it is important that knowledge is gained of how to face the consequences of a flare up and manage it t
A Brief Glance At The Negative Impact Of Obesity
It is fairly common knowledge that being obese is a dangerous condition for your overall health. The annual cost is many tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the associated problems linked ...
Cold Sore Causes and Canker Sore Causes: The way in which There're Different?
Cold sores and canker are two of by far the most regrettable oral concerns affected individuals may well acquire and perplexed by a lot of consumers. Considering that the two are generally developed u
Advanced Options for Neurosurgery in India
Neuro surgery in India at the hospitals of the metro cities like Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are done by the best neuro surgeons who are trained from all over the world.
MRSA the Superbug
Why are we not being told how bad MRSA is becoming? Over 10,000 strains of this bacterium and counting, this Superbug came from the community and made its way into the health industry. 4 million colonized in the US over 100,000 infected and living with symptoms, more deaths last year than AIDS.
Research Into Immune System Disorders Is Making A Difference
People don't hear much about the ongoing research into the immune system and disorders that develop in connection with it. But after long years of study and clinical trials, when a result is finally achieved ...
Find a Kidney for Joanna
Dear Donor: Please let your heart be so inclined to save my life. Providence led you to me at this moment because I have been truly struggling in my fight to stay alive. I've done ...
Candida Yeast Infection Cure - Why Natural is Better
If you've seen one Candida, you haven't seen them all. There are actually 20 different Candida organisms and 3 categorized types of fungal infections they cause. Common Candida or Candida albicans is a natural resident in your body. It is harmless until your pH level gets to high.
Underarm Hyperhidrosis And The Right Cure
Sweating maybe normal but if you tend to sweat a lot, then you have a medical condition called excessive sweating. Most of the times, sweating can be seen in the head, feet, hand, armpits and other parts of the body. There are underlying reasons that cause your body heavily sweat. The underarm hyper
A Quick Glance Into The Damaging Impact Of Obesity
It is fairly common knowledge that being obese is a dangerous state for your general health. The annual cost is many tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the similar problems related ...
Children with Diabetes - Causes, Symptoms And Management
Diabetes occurs in individuals of any age. More than 13,000 kids in the United States have type 1 diabetes. It is among the most common long term diseases in school age children. Obesity, lack of ...
What Are Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Whether you have been diagnosed with varicose veins or not, you've probably heard of them before, and you probably have an idea of what they look like. If you have or think you might have var