All there is in Diabetes Complications
Everyone needs to know about diabetes complications since you might be infected or affected. When not infected, you need to know how to prevent it from happening. There is a lot of information to learn about diabetes on the World Wide Web but this article will break it down for you. When diabetes complications are present, the blood vessels and nerves in one's body are damaged since the glucose levels in the blood are high. Other causes might be high cholesterol, and blood pressure.
How many types of diabetes do we have?
There are two different kinds of diabetes; there is the type 1 and the type 2. The first type of diabetes is known as ketoacidosis: this happens when the body produces substances that are formed from the fat cells in the body. These substances are not able to use the blood sugar in the right manner in presence of diabetes. These ketones are used as fuels for the brain when they cannot use the sugar.
When ketones are plenty in the body, one feels very ill and this could lead to death or a coma. Due to this danger, one is requested to check for their levels of ketones in urine; if the levels are high, it is important for one to consult a medical practitioner. If you need to check for the ketones in urine, there are numerous kits that can be used in checking this. You can get them from chemists and health institutions.
There is also the type 2 diabetes which is caused Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmotic Non Ketonic Syndrome. This form of diabetes results to the body losing too many liquids. This is present when the body blood sugar levels are more than 300mg/dl or even 600mg/dl which might also lead to a coma or death. When this happens, you might consider calling your physician.
Complications to expect when suffering from diabetes
The first complication that is caused by diabetes is the Neuropathy; this is also known as the nerve disease. In all diabetics, this nerve disorder ranges from mild to severe forms. When this is prevalent, pain is the main symptom and worsens during the night or when one is at rest. In addition, the pain is propelled by cold and is lowered by activity. Addition symptoms that might be caused by this complication are: impaired functions of the heart, slow rates of digestion, oedema, carpal tunnel syndrome, bladder atony, and urinal and stool incontinence and in some cases might lead to impotence. Diabetes is considered to be a contributing factor when it comes to erectile failure.
Retinopathy or the eye disease is another complication that is expected. Some of the symptoms accompanied by these are narrowing of the eyes, hardening, bulging, or retina severing. This complication needs to be acted upon fast due to its ability to impair vision. The condition takes about 10-13 years to develop and happens to people who have had diabetes for over 20 years. The diabetes induced blindness has been found to be serious but laser therapy has come in time to reduce its dominance.
When you have vascular changes, this might be the Arteriosclerosis complication which is identified as the vessel disease. This is one of the leading causes of death to diabetes patients and is considered to be the ending stage of both type 1 and type 2 patients. This form of diabetes will also cause stroke to its patients. If symptoms of this complication are identified, patients are advised to take good care of their feet, avoid injury, and use ways that will improve circulation of blood in the limbs; withdrawal from tobacco is also important for diabetics.
The kidney disease cannot go unmentioned, even though it is less prevalent than the vessel disease. The kidney disease is also believed to happen in the end stage of diabetes. As it is with other complications in diabetes, control over the blood sugar is vital.
You might have started wondering whether the situation where the blood sugar is less than insulin is also classified as a complication to diabetes patients. This condition is accompanied by mild hunger, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, and mental confusion and in some cases, consciousness deprivation.
These are some of the complications that are expected when one is suffering from diabetes. One should learn them in depth together with their symptoms. It does not matter whether one is infected or not but this could serve as a great piece of knowledge to prevent one from getting into the situation or as a piece of advice to someone who might be suffering from the disease. Every bit of this information is important and should be taken seriously, these are not myths or superstition but are facts that have been studied for years and found to be a threat to human life if not handled right.
How many types of diabetes do we have?
There are two different kinds of diabetes; there is the type 1 and the type 2. The first type of diabetes is known as ketoacidosis: this happens when the body produces substances that are formed from the fat cells in the body. These substances are not able to use the blood sugar in the right manner in presence of diabetes. These ketones are used as fuels for the brain when they cannot use the sugar.
When ketones are plenty in the body, one feels very ill and this could lead to death or a coma. Due to this danger, one is requested to check for their levels of ketones in urine; if the levels are high, it is important for one to consult a medical practitioner. If you need to check for the ketones in urine, there are numerous kits that can be used in checking this. You can get them from chemists and health institutions.
There is also the type 2 diabetes which is caused Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmotic Non Ketonic Syndrome. This form of diabetes results to the body losing too many liquids. This is present when the body blood sugar levels are more than 300mg/dl or even 600mg/dl which might also lead to a coma or death. When this happens, you might consider calling your physician.
Complications to expect when suffering from diabetes
The first complication that is caused by diabetes is the Neuropathy; this is also known as the nerve disease. In all diabetics, this nerve disorder ranges from mild to severe forms. When this is prevalent, pain is the main symptom and worsens during the night or when one is at rest. In addition, the pain is propelled by cold and is lowered by activity. Addition symptoms that might be caused by this complication are: impaired functions of the heart, slow rates of digestion, oedema, carpal tunnel syndrome, bladder atony, and urinal and stool incontinence and in some cases might lead to impotence. Diabetes is considered to be a contributing factor when it comes to erectile failure.
Retinopathy or the eye disease is another complication that is expected. Some of the symptoms accompanied by these are narrowing of the eyes, hardening, bulging, or retina severing. This complication needs to be acted upon fast due to its ability to impair vision. The condition takes about 10-13 years to develop and happens to people who have had diabetes for over 20 years. The diabetes induced blindness has been found to be serious but laser therapy has come in time to reduce its dominance.
When you have vascular changes, this might be the Arteriosclerosis complication which is identified as the vessel disease. This is one of the leading causes of death to diabetes patients and is considered to be the ending stage of both type 1 and type 2 patients. This form of diabetes will also cause stroke to its patients. If symptoms of this complication are identified, patients are advised to take good care of their feet, avoid injury, and use ways that will improve circulation of blood in the limbs; withdrawal from tobacco is also important for diabetics.
The kidney disease cannot go unmentioned, even though it is less prevalent than the vessel disease. The kidney disease is also believed to happen in the end stage of diabetes. As it is with other complications in diabetes, control over the blood sugar is vital.
You might have started wondering whether the situation where the blood sugar is less than insulin is also classified as a complication to diabetes patients. This condition is accompanied by mild hunger, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, and mental confusion and in some cases, consciousness deprivation.
These are some of the complications that are expected when one is suffering from diabetes. One should learn them in depth together with their symptoms. It does not matter whether one is infected or not but this could serve as a great piece of knowledge to prevent one from getting into the situation or as a piece of advice to someone who might be suffering from the disease. Every bit of this information is important and should be taken seriously, these are not myths or superstition but are facts that have been studied for years and found to be a threat to human life if not handled right.