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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

H1N1 Flu - A Pandemic is Declared!

The World Health Organization (WHO), on June 11, 2009, raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway. The outbreak of the H1N1 flu (formerly calle

Treating My Chronic Hepatitis C

Treating chronic Hepatitis C is a lengthy process with a 70% cure rate. Anyone could have it and not even know it. Whether you've have a blood transfusion or unsafe sex you could be at risk. The unaware fast food junkies could contact Hepatitis A or B too!

What and What Not to Eat During a Colitis Relapse

As anyone with colitis knows, there is always a question mark over what foods to consume and what diet to follow whether you are in either remission or suffering from a relapse. A real challenge appears when the patient encounters a period of relapse where the inflammation of the colon becomes activ

11 Acne Tips To Getting Rid Of Acne

How to get rid of acne? This is a very common question among teens and adults suffering from acne scars and marks. Acne is a natural occurrence for many people, especially during adolescence. Acne can ...

Reasons to Consider an Alzheimer's Care Services

Alzheimer's is a disease which is difficult to be dealt with if you do not have enough experience. Even though you are caring and compassionate, you would not be able to provide the perfect Alzheimer ...

Malic Acid and Fibromyalgia

This article will look at the relationship of malic acid and the disease Fibromyalgia. You will see how it affects the condition and also some of the studies done to confirm its use.

What You Might Not Have Known About Diabetes?

A Diabetic Bracelet will be a great help to any diabetic during emergencies. The primary purpose of a diabetic bracelet is to let medical professionals know of a patient's situation in case that individual is ...

Dealing with Excessive Face Sweating Problem

Discover how to deal with excessive face sweating problem and improve the quality of your life. Get your life back on track and get rid of the embarrassment of facial sweating using proven treatments.

Find the Important Info About Toenail Fungus

Even though toenail fungus brings up all sorts of unpleasant images, it is a serious condition that should be treated promptly. There are a lot more people than you can imagine who develop this fungal ...

Understand the Dangers of Asbestos

Like every other major city in Australia, Brisbane is increasingly conscious of the dangers of asbestos, and is focused on its safe removal. A common building material used between the 1940s and 1980s

Treatments Available for Diabetic Neuropathy

Unfortunately, there is no cure available for diabetic neuropathy. For this reason, many people who are diagnosed with this medical condition are encouraged to enroll in a clinical trial. Traditional treatment for diabetic neuropathy focuses ...

Treat Panic Attacks With Stress Release Techniques

I have suffered from social anxiety disorder for more than 10 years and now after I have found the best solutions for this condition, I am willing to share them and help other sufferers. Get inside to

Bronchitis - Signs and Symptoms

Acute bronchitis develops suddenly. It generally lasts less than 2 weeks. Most healthy people who develop bronchitis get better without any complications. Acute bronchitis usually begins with the symptoms of a cold, such as a runny nose, sneezing and dry cough.