11 Acne Tips To Getting Rid Of Acne
How to get rid of acne? This is a very common question among teens and adults suffering from acne scars and marks. Acne is a natural occurrence for many people, especially during adolescence. Acne can be embarrassing and painful. Though this ailment is uncontrollable, it can be diminished with an effort and change in habits. Stress, hormones, not paying attention to hygiene and a poor diet, can all contribute to an acne breakout. Acne appears on the skin in a number of forms like whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and sometimes in severe cases as cysts. There are a number of acne control methods which a person can adopt for to get rid of it. Below are some of the most effective acne tips for women and men, who suffer from this skin condition.
1. Reduce the intake of processed and fatty food. Consuming oily and fatty food increases the oil on the skin surface and hence it becomes one of the major causes of acne. To get rid of acne, you must also wash your face 2-3 times a day with an oil free soap or face wash. Don't apply cosmetic products on your skin.
2. Keep hair products out of your face. Cover your face with a towel while applying hair gel, hairspray and mousse. While taking a shower, wash your face last to remove shampoo and conditioner that may have run down your face.
3. Apple cider vinegar is known for its healing and disinfecting properties. To apply it, start with washing the face thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a towel and then taking a cotton ball apply apple cider vinegar evenly on the affected skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes before washing it off with cold water.
4. We have found that a mixture of olive oil & salt works very well. Make a paste, and wash with it. Use this daily at first, then maintain with 2 or 3 times weekly. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.
5. Intake of vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C & Vitamin E is good for your skin and reduces/prevents acne from occurring.
6. Keep sweat, germs and dirt off your face. Pull back long hair when it's hot, and avoid wearing hats and sunglasses.
7. One of the most effective of acne tips for guys and girls is to exercise everyday. Exercise helps in reducing stress, which is one of the main causes of acne. At the same time, it increases the blood circulation and provides enough oxygen to the skin, which helps in clearing out the acne breakouts.
8. A face mask prepared by mixing both these ingredients in equal quantities with rose water is considered one of the best natural acne cures. Apply it on the affected skin, leave on for twenty minutes so that the skin absorbs it completely and then wash with cold water. Apply this face mask once a week for desired results.
9. Simply rub fresh cut garlic on the affected area and it dries up almost overnight. The smell is powerful so it is best to use it just before going to bed. I know it sounds crazy but look in almost any herb book and you will find out it is highly recommended for getting rid of acne.
10. Don't touch your skin with dirty hands, and never pop or squeeze acne pimples. This will spread the acne infected fluid and increase the infection.
11. Change your diet. Eating chocolate, candy and greasy and unhealthy foods can definitely affect your complexion. Limit junk food intake, get plenty of vitamins and lead an overall healthy lifestyle.
1. Reduce the intake of processed and fatty food. Consuming oily and fatty food increases the oil on the skin surface and hence it becomes one of the major causes of acne. To get rid of acne, you must also wash your face 2-3 times a day with an oil free soap or face wash. Don't apply cosmetic products on your skin.
2. Keep hair products out of your face. Cover your face with a towel while applying hair gel, hairspray and mousse. While taking a shower, wash your face last to remove shampoo and conditioner that may have run down your face.
3. Apple cider vinegar is known for its healing and disinfecting properties. To apply it, start with washing the face thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a towel and then taking a cotton ball apply apple cider vinegar evenly on the affected skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes before washing it off with cold water.
4. We have found that a mixture of olive oil & salt works very well. Make a paste, and wash with it. Use this daily at first, then maintain with 2 or 3 times weekly. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.
5. Intake of vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C & Vitamin E is good for your skin and reduces/prevents acne from occurring.
6. Keep sweat, germs and dirt off your face. Pull back long hair when it's hot, and avoid wearing hats and sunglasses.
7. One of the most effective of acne tips for guys and girls is to exercise everyday. Exercise helps in reducing stress, which is one of the main causes of acne. At the same time, it increases the blood circulation and provides enough oxygen to the skin, which helps in clearing out the acne breakouts.
8. A face mask prepared by mixing both these ingredients in equal quantities with rose water is considered one of the best natural acne cures. Apply it on the affected skin, leave on for twenty minutes so that the skin absorbs it completely and then wash with cold water. Apply this face mask once a week for desired results.
9. Simply rub fresh cut garlic on the affected area and it dries up almost overnight. The smell is powerful so it is best to use it just before going to bed. I know it sounds crazy but look in almost any herb book and you will find out it is highly recommended for getting rid of acne.
10. Don't touch your skin with dirty hands, and never pop or squeeze acne pimples. This will spread the acne infected fluid and increase the infection.
11. Change your diet. Eating chocolate, candy and greasy and unhealthy foods can definitely affect your complexion. Limit junk food intake, get plenty of vitamins and lead an overall healthy lifestyle.