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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
A Diet for Hypertension
If you have hypertension, you need to be aware that there are foods that raise high blood pressure and others that lower it. Thus, with the proper diet as part of a healthy lifestyle, you can keep hig
Sinus Infection in Children - How It Is Different From Adults
The sinuses are air-filled packs found around the skull area. Because the sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity, fluids can easily flow out of them. This prevents episodes of blockage. In children however, the sinuses are still immature and are not yet fully developed.
Knee Pain - 5 Ways You Can Treat Knee Pain At Home
Knee pain can be treated at home if it is moderate and doesn't severely limit your mobility. Here are 5 home remedies to treat moderate knee pain. Learn about all-natural methods of reducing
Causes of Yeast Infections and What You Can Do About It
Causes of Yeast Infections and What You Can Do About It Yeast infections are an unfortunate reality for many women. There is a very delicate balance of pH and bacteria in a woman's vagina, and ...
Effective Remedies For Eczema
Do you wish to know how to cure eczema fast with natural methods, the following home remedies will be helpful to you. These remedies can help cure eczema on face, hands and feet.
How Does Heart Disease Affect The Body?
Complications from heart disease are the leading cause of death in the United States, England and Canada. Heart disease refers to the narrowing the the coronary arteries, blocking the flow of blood to
Acid Reflux Food to Avoid Discomforting Symptoms
For many people controlling the aggravating and sometimes dangerous symptoms of this disease is a function of changing their eating habits. But just which acid reflux food do you need to avoid to prev
Discover How to Understand Anxiety with Panic Away
You may actually be suffering from anxiety attacks without even knowing it, but learning all about it is the first step that leads to successful treatment. In essence, anxiety attacks are characterized by sudden outbursts ...
Find the Important Facts Pertaining to Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus is actually not a good subject for discussion during dinner. What may be startling is there are many people who develop this ugly fungal infection. Any fungus type that grows enough to turn ...
Home Gout Remedies: Proven Steps To Relieve Gout Pain
Gout is one of those diseases around which there has grown myths and half-truths and it is no wonder then that home gout remedies have themselves too become the stuff of misinformation.
The Best Management Care for Hiatal Hernia
Are you struggling with acid reflux and hiatal hernia? When the upper area of the abdomen pokes through the esophageal hiatus, because of the destabilization of the lower esophageal sphincter or LES (
How To Reduce Excessive Sweating - Heavy Perspiration - How To Stop Anxiety Sweating
How To Reduce Excessive Sweating Heavy Perspiration How To Stop Anxiety Sweating
Purchasing Trampolines - the best places to Shop
Regardless of what you're shopping for nowadays, individuals will always let you know to begin your quest early and take a while to check brands prior to you making your choice. Exactly the s
Thrush Remedies - Are There Really Any Effective Home Remedies For Thrush Infections?
This article is about thrush remedies. How can you identify thrush? Well, in simple terms, they look like white lesions or cottage cheese occurring in your tongue, tonsils, the roof of your mouth, and gums. It may result in pain, bleeding of your gums and, in a few cases, it may spread to your esoph
Common Signs to Differentiate Between Adrenal Fatigue and Normal Stress
In today's fast paced world, more and more people are suffering from adrenal fatigue. The major problem here is that most of the patients do not have any idea about their condition. They take
Not All Cures for Heartburn Involve Medication
When searching for cures for heartburn, I thought the only option was over the counter antacid tablets. Now, don't get me wrong, they work fine. But, if you continue to experience heartburn o
Chronic Kidney Failure-Without Any Cure!
Kidneys play a significant role by filtering wastes and excess fluids from the body. They are excreted through urine. When the chronic kidney disease occurs, the kidneys can no longer carry out their filtering task. ...
What Are the Main Gallbladder Attack Symptoms?
The gallbladder is an organ that is not necessary for survival, but nonetheless it is there and just like every other organ it can also cause problems. A gallbladder can develop gallstones, polyps or cancer. Gallbladder disease is when it becomes thick and the gallstones block the passing of bile.
How to Diagnose Herpes
Herpes infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by herpes virus. Herpes have two types: Herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex type 2. Herpes simplex type 1 is otherwise known as oral herp
Staph Infection's Effect on Bone
A staph infection in the body can spread from its original point of origin to other areas, including the bone. Once it settles in the bone, it becomes known as a condition called osteomyelitis. This condition can be highly uncomfortable and even painful.